In my dry high desert climate, worms aren't the problem they are in wetter ones-and I pick up the runs twice daily AND the manure in removed from the premises once weekly, courtesy of the trash pickup man! However, I do a double-dose-for-five-days-in-a-row deworming with SAFE-GUARD(which is exactly the same thing as Panacur)once a year. I use the big, multidose tubes(formulated for 4000 lbs. of horsey weight, I believe)for even better cost-effectiveness. All of my minis except the B mare weight tape at 275 lbs. or less, so I give a 500 lb. dose to the smaller ones, a 600 lb. dose to the 275+/- one, and an 800 lb. dose to the B(it really isn't hard to estimate those in-between dosages; just "eyeball" the space between the dosage markings and estimate what would constitute 1/4 or 1/2 or 3/4, etc., of the distance between the markings-remembering that this dewormer has a wide margin of safety in dosage....)With my APHA Paint mare, I give a 2000 lb. dose(remember, these are DOUBLE doses, by weight-given daily for the 5 days.) Actually, this regime is specificallyfor 'getting rid of ENCYSTED SMALL STRONGYLES, which is what "Quest", a NO-NO for minis, is touted as being "good at"-actually, I have read that the 5 day, double-dose of fenbendazole regime is MUCH more effective! The suggested deworming regimen for 'getting rid of' TAPEWORMS is a two day, double dose of STRONGID P(pyrantel pamoate) or its equivalent-OR, the use of the ivermectin WITH PRAZIQUANTEL formulations-as mentioned by rabbitsfizz-and, as she also stated, ivermectin is the only one that can 'get rid of' about every kind of internal(and some external!)parasite now known, except the ones mentioned above, in a single, proper dose.