OMGOSH they are all so beautifull! I want my next horse to be a palomino or buckskin with blue eyes(the buckskin would have be be a golden buckskin or a dark sooty buckskin)
CharmedMinis, Your little colt is ADORBLE! Seriously, what could be cuter than a mini baby buckskin with blue eyes, the only thing that could be better is if he were a she, and she were a palomino with blue eyes LOL, thats just my personal prefrence though
LittleSteppers, she is just absoluty GORGEOUS, I would love to go out in the mornings and feed and have those big blue eyes look up at me! She would be a perfect little match for my little colt, let me know if you ever want to sell her!
and VVF CONGRATS on your new addition, I like that appy stallion of Jessica's! Now She needs to have another one just like him, in a fillly form -lol-
Short&SassyStables I have allways loved your little buckskin Mare! What a BEAUTY!
Jen, I really wish I had the money and the mares and the room for Ranger, that would be my dream come true! Maybe someday though!!!!!
MooseLMJAsh i'd take your chubby little girl anyday, she wouldnt look so chuby around here -lol-
Heidi, You little girl is GORGEOUS! thanks for sharing!
and Mijke, WOW What a little cutie, he is GORGOEUS, he is another one I would like to own someday! It looks as if he is overo appy? his mom is very pretty too
Thanks again!