Actually having shown at both the Congress and Nationals for several years, the number of animals that enter both shows is pretty minimal.
Looking through both programs, overall I would estimate between 12 and 24 ponies/horses showed in both the Nationals and Congress/World shows in 2004. I can name almost all of them. None were ours - we had 2 separate show strings.
For the last several years we have not shown the same animals at both shows. It is often believed because you are showing at both shows, you are showing the same horses at both which is true for some but not all of the exhibitors. We did show the same horse 6 years ago and did well at the Nationals(National Champion) and ended up with the Gate at the Congress.
The primary reason we don't show the same horse in both is the size issue. Try showing a 36 inch Classic against a 46 inch Classic. That is like showing a 28 inch miniature against a 38 inch miniature. A 10 inch spread in height is huge. And not all tiny refined aspc/amhr animals fit the foundation definition, as often they are just too fine boned. Most aspc/amhr animals show foundation and tend to be more competitive in that division.
I read the posts/comments on the miniature forum regarding this issue. Found it interesting that in all the years of showing Shetlands, I've never had any Shetland exhibitor or any individual share with me that I or others should not be showing that miniature/shetland at the Congress or World shows. But I've had many miniature exibitors share they/we should not show shetland/miniatures at the Nationals or even at a local miniature show.
(just set in the stands at both shows and listen to the spectator comments - unfortunately most of the comments I heard at this year's Nationals on the "shetland" topic were less than kind )
Thought to myself, well perhaps I should just throw away the shetland papers for those horses that we show as miniatures - that way the animal would no longer be a registered shetland but just a registered miniature (since that is what most did in the 60s and 70s and if it worked then it should work now )
This year at the Nationals there were many 1/2, 3/4 or full aspc/amhr animals entered who did very well in both the over and under divisions. Most of the National exhibitors of aspc/amhr animals do not show at the congress or world shows so they are not as easily known as having shetland/miniatures like Taylors, Lutke's or many of the other breeders.
It is an interesting topic/question - one in which all exhibitors, breeders, owners should always ask themselves the question - "What is in the best interest of the breed ?"-especially before submitting or considering a rule to exclude a certain group of horses from competition. One would wonder if this topic would even be an issue if ASPC were not also affiliated with AMHR. Like making a rule that any horse that is registered AMHA/AMHR can only show in one National show each year - either AMHA or AMHR.
We also need to consider the PtHA association since many horses are registered PtHA/AMHR/AMHA - How about a rule that an exhibitor can pick just one of these associations to show in all year - institute a rule that you cannot cross enter between those 3 associations during the year. Certainly food for thought.