I know that a lot of us have barn cats, house cats, and just cats, LOL. How many have you got and how many is too many?
I currently have 9 cats and most of them have names.
Maxi is my oldest at 6 y/o. She's a long haired almost black calico.
Calli is about 4 y/o and is a short hair calico. She's an outside only cat and a great mouse/snake/whatever catcher.
Dusty is Calli's kitten from last year. He's a 1 y/o male, short hair and his color is hard to describe so I'll put a picture below.
Cotton is 1 y/o male, gray and white. His fur feels more like rabbit than cat. We thought he'd grow out of that, but not yet.
Of course there's Weeble, our newest kitten. He's a siamese (mix?) with blue cross-eyes and a bum leg.
Then we have 4 kittens looking for new homes. They're Calli's from her last litter and will make great barn cats for someone. There's an orange/white, striped/white, striped, and calico.
Here's Dusty, is there a name for this color? (Please excuse the junk, he makes a point of laying on the worst stuff!)
I guess when I run out of names for my cats, that'll be too many, LOL. They all get their personal "lap time" and are fed and happy.
I currently have 9 cats and most of them have names.
Maxi is my oldest at 6 y/o. She's a long haired almost black calico.
Calli is about 4 y/o and is a short hair calico. She's an outside only cat and a great mouse/snake/whatever catcher.
Dusty is Calli's kitten from last year. He's a 1 y/o male, short hair and his color is hard to describe so I'll put a picture below.
Cotton is 1 y/o male, gray and white. His fur feels more like rabbit than cat. We thought he'd grow out of that, but not yet.
Of course there's Weeble, our newest kitten. He's a siamese (mix?) with blue cross-eyes and a bum leg.
Then we have 4 kittens looking for new homes. They're Calli's from her last litter and will make great barn cats for someone. There's an orange/white, striped/white, striped, and calico.
Here's Dusty, is there a name for this color? (Please excuse the junk, he makes a point of laying on the worst stuff!)
I guess when I run out of names for my cats, that'll be too many, LOL. They all get their personal "lap time" and are fed and happy.
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