Well-Known Member
I just got me a new little one! He is my first, he's a 5 month old colt, but I have no idea how to take care of him! First of all, he has a huge belly. I wormed him with Ivermectin 2 weeks ago, and it hasn't helped at all. Second, he's super small, and I've been reading about dwarves. He's only 21 inches, so it makes me worry. I can't get ahold of the lady who sold him to me, so I have no one to guide me. I got him started on some baby Omolene, but after a week, he seems to have lost interest. He is turned out in our "backyard", which is about 1 acre. He has plenty of fresh water, shade, and I even threw out some good grass/alfalfa mix hay. He grazes constantly (he is Mr. Piggy). He is also turned out with my mini goat, and they've buddied up, so I don't think he's lonley. His head is up and he's got a good look in his eye, but I can't keep from thinking something is wrong. He just looks malnourished. I love this little guy more than words can explain,
and I need to know where to go from here!