Hello, all. Ok, I didn't mention my FOUR stallions! Geesh, Corrine, you want everybody to know I'm nuts?!
First there is Boss. He is a 3 year old red dun from LTD. Small and perfect! Second is Bonanza. Another boy from LTD. He is 2, and a buckskin frame overo. Blue eyes, and maybe gonna be 35" (ish). Third is Cobalt. I bought him last fall from Gem Sky. He is a son of 'Dude', and looks like he will be a xerox copy of his awesome sire. Tiny little guy. And last but not least is my new boy from Corrine, Pongo Bongo! A two year old leopard appy, double registered. But aren't we supposed to be talking about our DONKEYS here?
So, will somebody educate me? I have a question. Sometimes a horse / donkey cross produces a hinny, and sometimes a mule. How come? And is there a way to regulate which you will get? Is one better / more popular / rarer ? I know mules are usually sterile, and that's about all I know. Never heard of a hinny til I saw Corrine's little one.
Spent an hour at the hospital tonight, visiting my good friend Julia. On Friday she was riding her Andulusian, and he went over backwards on her and fell on her. She has a broken hip, and will have to go down to Milwaukee for surgery. She owned the first two minis I ever got to know on a personal basis. I blame my big feed bills on her!