This is the first time I've posted and look forward to talking to all of you!! I've owned horses for many years and just recently purchased a mini jack. He is now 8 months old and is getting a little bratty! At first he was very sweet and loveable, and still is for the most part. But, when you turn your back on him, he charges you and nips at you. I have popped him on the mouth and told him "NO" and that seems to back him up, but as soon as I turn around....... here we go again!! Oh, he also needs to be gelded. As soon as the twins make their appearance, they will be removed!! I'm hoping that will help. I have a 3 yr. old daughter who loves him dearly, but I am getting worried about him biting her or knocking her down. He also attacked my dog this past weekend, and actually knocked the dog out for about 5 minutes!! Is there anyway to teach him not to attack the dogs and cats or is that an instinct that can't be changed? I would appreciate any help out there and thanks for taking the time to read all of this.