My thoughts on a organization..and what

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This is what happened to me this me it makes me ANGRY and SAD.

I received an e-mail from a man that offered me FULL PRICE on a bred mare I had listed for sale. In his e-mails he told me what his plans were for this horse and foal...and I DID NOT agree with them.

I explained to him why I did not agree with this type of training. Well, he got angry at first..and then we started talking ...we e-mailed each other for about 2 to 3 weeks....( I will try to make a long story and many e-mails short).

He still wanted this bred mare at full price....I tried to talk him into a gelding for a companion...that that is what I felt like he needed more....I was trying not to hurt his feelings and I was not going to sell a mini to him for the reasons he wanted. ( I had told my husband if he bought we had to deliver because I had to see what type of home this gelding would go to...he only lived about 3 hours from our home).

Well...over the course of about 3 weeks of e-mailing each other...I knew somehow I could not even sell a gelding...( even though he did not want my gelding..he wanted my bred mare) is why.......

He asked me if he could put a deposit down with his disability check from the first of the month......and pay the balance when his house was finished being refianced....because they had refinianced their home.....because he was going to buy miniature horses to start training......for something I don't beleive in.

I politely told him...I was sorry...I could not sell to him...because I did not think this type of training was going to make him rich...( which is what he thought...he wanted to make sure his family was taken care of because of his disablity...( I Never asked him what his disablity was).

I just told him...I could not be a part of that...that I just couldn't do it.

He was not happy with me again....I would have probably gave him a gelding for a companion...if I delivered and seen the horse would be taken care of.

Anyway....after the angry e-mail...about a week later...his wife e-mailed me....( I guess she started reading his e-mails)....all she said was that she was sorry for her husbands e-mails to me...and that he had been hospitilized and would not be buying any horses.

Sorry, it is hard for me to make something short...for something that happened over several weeks.

It breaks my heart and makes me angry....that a certain organization can get to some people so much....that they are willing to use a disablity check and try to refiniance their home...because they want to make enough money to get rich for their family.

I am not good at writing...but, this is SO SAD to me.
That is too bad that that organization misled these people.
I wish they had told them the truth instead.
What organization advised him to raise minis? Of course we have the right to refuse to sell to anyone we choose not to , but why would a disabled person think there was money to be made from raising minis and I wonder if his disability made it impossible for him to take care horses.
I have wondered also, how a person who needs to be on disability can afford to maintain animals since it takes a lot of time and work. What was he going to train them for and why wouod he need a bred mare for training? Don't feel bad about not selling to someone you were not comfortable with...that is our right. Mary

LisaF. said:
This is what happened to me this me it makes me ANGRY and SAD.
I received an e-mail from a man that offered me FULL PRICE on a bred mare I had listed for sale.  In his e-mails he told me what his plans were for this horse and foal...and I DID NOT agree with them.

I explained to him why I did not agree with this type of training.  Well, he got angry at first..and then we started talking ...we e-mailed each other for about 2 to 3 weeks....( I will try to make a long story and many e-mails short).

He still wanted this bred mare at full price....I tried to talk him into a gelding for a companion...that that is what I felt like he needed more....I was trying not to hurt his feelings and I was not going to sell a mini to him for the reasons he wanted.  ( I had told my husband if he bought we had to deliver because I had to see what type of home this gelding would go to...he only lived about 3 hours from our home).

Well...over the course of about 3 weeks of e-mailing each other...I knew somehow I could not even sell a gelding...( even though he did not want my gelding..he wanted my bred mare) is why.......

He asked me if he could put a deposit down with his disability check from the first of the month......and pay the balance when his house was finished being refianced....because they had refinianced their home.....because he was going to buy miniature horses to start training......for something I don't beleive in.

I politely told him...I was sorry...I could not sell to him...because I did not think this type of training was going to make him rich...( which is what he thought...he wanted to make sure his family was taken care of because of his disablity...( I Never asked him what his disablity was).

I just told him...I could not be a part of that...that I just couldn't do it.

He was not happy with me again....I would have probably gave him a gelding for a companion...if I delivered and seen the horse would be taken care of.

Anyway....after the angry e-mail...about a week later...his wife e-mailed me....( I guess she started reading his e-mails)....all she said was that she was sorry for her husbands e-mails to me...and that he had been hospitilized and would not be buying any horses.

Sorry, it is hard for me to make something short...for something that happened over several weeks.

It breaks my heart and makes me angry....that a certain organization can get to some people so much....that they are willing to use a disablity check and try to refiniance their home...because they want to make enough money to get rich for their family.

I am not good at writing...but, this is SO SAD to me.


I have wondered also, how a person who needs to be on disability can afford to maintain animals since it takes a lot of time and work
There are many on this forum who are disabled~! I take offense at that Way of thinking
...I for one even on disability am taking in as much as I did CLEAR when I was working~! So in defense of some on here and myself we take offense at that blanket statement...
"There are many on this forum who are disabled~! I take offense at that Way of thinking ...I for one even on disability am taking in as much as I did CLEAR when I was working~! So in defense of some on here and myself we take offense at that blanket statement... "

I agree. I understand why you chose not to sell without knowing the horse would be taken care of, and for the purpose it was going to. I for one though would not be against selling one as a companion or therapy animal to someone who had a way to take care of them.
I in NO WAY meant I would not sell to someone that was on disablity....or if they are on disabilty I do not think that means they are poor.

This man TOLD ME...he was buying a bunch of minis to start training them like another organization ......and that he would NEVER have to worry about money for him or his family again.

It was not the fact he was using was that someone had MISLEAD him so much...that he was using his disability checks and refiniancing his buy these miniatures.

Now, tell many could sell to him and feel good about theirselves....Not me!

I would NOT have had a problem with selling him a companion or even breeding mare...for the right reasons. ( You can read my other post)

I take OFFENSE that people ...missed what I was trying to say.

I have 3 deaf step brother and sisters that are on disablity....they probably have more money than I and I think they could enjoy miniature horses and take care of bet I do....but,....if they came to me and said they wanted to buy a bunch of my minis to start a program ...( that I don't beleive in)....NO, I would not sell to them....I love them too much to do, should I treat a complete stranger any different?
Y'all have misunderstood Lisa completely here.

She objects to the man's plans for the horses, not to the man himself. His disability has nothing to do with it, other than she thinks it's shameful (& I agree!) on how he has been misled by someone else into thinking that he can make a living breeding & training Minis for a specific purpose.

I do not blame you in the least for refusing the sale in this case. I'd have done the same, & probably wouldn't have bothered with the e-mails that you did. I'd have said NO, end of story. It was nice of you to try & set him straight on the reality of what he was planning, but sounds like he'd been firmly convinced of things before he talked to you.
Thank you SO MUCH explained it so much better that I did.

As, I stated before I am horrible at writing what I am thinking..( if that makes since) thanks again for taking the time to explain what I was trying to say.
If it makes you feel any better. I understood what you were saying and agree completly about misleading people.

It wasn't even Lisa who made this comment.....

I have wondered also, how a person who needs to be on disability can afford to maintain animals since it takes a lot of time and work.
Don't get on her about it!
shminifancier said:
I have wondered also, how a person who needs to be on disability can afford to maintain animals since it takes a lot of time and work
There are many on this forum who are disabled~! I take offense at that Way of thinking
...I for one even on disability am taking in as much as I did CLEAR when I was working~! So in defense of some on here and myself we take offense at that blanket statement...


lilhorseladie said:
"There are many on this forum who are disabled~! I take offense at that Way of thinking  ...I for one even on disability am taking in as much as I did CLEAR when I was working~! So in defense of some on here and myself we take offense at that blanket statement... "
I agree.  I understand why you chose not to sell without knowing the horse would be taken care of, and for the purpose it was going to.  I for one though would not be against selling one as a companion or therapy animal to someone who had a way to take care of them.


I take offense for YOU reading it wrong, that is rude! not ONCE did I see lisa say she was not selling to him cause he was disabled, she was not selling to him for what he was trying to do with the minis, She offerd a gelding, and said it would be better, do you think that is not wanting to sell a horse to a disabled person????

Lisa, you know how I feel about people flaming on this board!!!

Lisa is one of the nicest people on the forum (there are lots of others, but she is one of them) and everytime she posts, she has been treated like crap, and some people would just quit the forum, I know I would if I would have been treated the way Lisa has, I think she is a stong person for staying on, and not all people are that way, do you want to run anyone of?

I take offense for YOU reading it wrong, that is rude!
I will now take offense at what you have said~! I have apologized right away when the person PM ed ME,,, And I said I was sorry for jumping to fast on what was said OK??? Let us drop this~! MAN~!Why,,,, you all all bring this up again on me I have NO Idea~!!!!!?????

And why has this not been told on this post is beyond me~! But I did say I was sorry right from the start.. Gee I thought one apology and I am sorry was good enough Uff Da..
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shminifancier said:
I take offense for YOU reading it wrong, that is rude!
I will now take offense at what you have said~! I have apologized right away when the person PM ed ME,,, And I said I was sorry for jumping to fast on what was said OK??? Let us drop this~! MAN~!Why,,,, you all all bring this up again on me I have NO Idea~!!!!!?????

And why has this not been told on this post is beyond me~! But I did say I was sorry right from the start.. Gee I thought one apology and I am sorry was good enough Uff Da..


I am sorry too, I didnt know you apalogized, I just feel so bad for Lisa!

Please forgive me, and I forgive you!

OK it is cool

~Palomino~ said:
shminifancier said:
I take offense for YOU reading it wrong, that is rude!
I will now take offense at what you have said~! I have apologized right away when the person PM ed ME,,, And I said I was sorry for jumping to fast on what was said OK??? Let us drop this~! MAN~!Why,,,, you all all bring this up again on me I have NO Idea~!!!!!?????

And why has this not been told on this post is beyond me~! But I did say I was sorry right from the start.. Gee I thought one apology and I am sorry was good enough Uff Da..


I am sorry too, I didnt know you apalogized, I just feel so bad for Lisa!

Please forgive me, and I forgive you!



I didn't PM anyone...but, I do want to thank everyone for helping me out...I really appreciate it...and Palmino...thank you so much...sometimes I do have to take a break...but, then I remember they are still great people on this forum...and you are one of them...thanks.

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