My minis...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Hudson, Fl
Here is Abby...


Here is Abby and Gizmo...


Im new on the board these are my Minis and I have had Gizmo for 3 years he is 3 1/2 years old... Abby will be 4 in Jan. She might be in foal...
Your minis sure are cute. They look like they're loved and very well taken care of. Welcome to the board, I'm sure you'll love it.
Voodoo said:
Your minis sure are cute.  They look like they're loved and very well taken care of.  Welcome to the board, I'm sure you'll love it.

Thank you. If Abby is in foal Im gonna need lots of help.The books Ive been reading on mini foaling have scared me to death. I have had "big" horses for over 30 years. Im new to the minis.
Hi, Kathy --

Your minis are really pretty!

Welcome to the message board from Virginia!

countryrose said:
Nice kids you have. welcome

Where are you located and do you do any showing or carting?


From outside of Tampa, Florida... I have done pleasure carting with Gizmo... Abby has shown at halter not with me though. I am a English/Dressage rider converting to minis. I was told Abby was shown at nationals as a yearling.
Very nice pictures l like your pinto who might be in foal.
Very pretty horses
! Hope your mare is in foal, that would be very exiting!
midnight star stables said:
Hello from Ontario!

Is abby a mare & Gizmo a stallion?

Both cuties!


Abby is a mare...

Gizmo was gelded 5 months ago...
Welcome from Southern Oregon! I'm also a big horse to mini's convert. Mine was due to an accident. What made you get "into" minis'?
Welcome to the forum from northern Wi. Nice mini's that you have - how exiting that your mare might be in foal!
abby is beautiful! Dont worry we will all get you thru foaling. Welcome to the wonderful world of mare stare hehehehe.

Thank you. If Abby is in foal Im gonna need lots of help.The books Ive been reading on mini foaling have scared me to death. I have had "big" horses for over 30 years. Im new to the minis.

You've found a great resource with this forum! That and the fact that you're here seeking knowledge will serve you well if your mare is indeed pregnant. Is your vet knowledgeable about minis? If not, you might want to look around for one who is, who is also reasonably close to you, just to cover all of your bases.

I agree with the have two beautiful horses there, and it sounds like they are very lucky to have you as an owner!
Welcome to the Forum from the middle of Okalhoma!

Your horses look beautiful and you will find lots of help and support here for your first 'mini foaling'

We can all do 'MARE STARE' together!
When would your mare be due????


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