My Horse Poems

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
Okay i use to write horse poems non-stop but then stopped, i dont know why. But i started up agian. I just wrote 3 they are.

Okay this is my First one. Its obviously about Coco, but take it as you want. Its about the day i loose coco (dont think he died ..just wanted to make that clear). Coco is out snoozing in his stall!


The day i must start missing you,

will be a sad sad day.

How much i will miss you

could go without say.

I'd miss those big brown spots.

Blue eyes pure as day,

I'd miss your wet kisses,

I got each and every day.

I would miss how you ran and play

with Rocky and Joey for hours.

I'd miss how you wouold get excited when seeing

a nice big bale of hay.

I'd miss how you layy our head in my lap

and fell asleep.

How i would sit there for hourses with you,

even when i had to pee.

I guess what i am saying

is that i would miss you so much.

and i would see you agian, if

for some reason you should have to go

and on this day i promise you,

that when that day comes,

if im not there

Please know that i love

Because i know how much you care.

BY: Leeana 9-28-05

Next one ..this one i kind of took the idea from a friend of mine who writes horse poems on the internet, they already know ..dont worry. But i changed it to my perspective. Her poem really got me.


I wish i was a dressage horse!

stepping high and proud

Underneath my rider

Blue ribbon, we are bound.

I wish i was a barral horse!

Galloping wiht all my might

Turning tight and circling them barrels

Heck, were burning daylight.

I wish i was a draft horse!

So big and proud i would be.

Pulling them big carrages

for all the people to see.

I would plow the fields all day long

and never break a sweet.

a happy clydesdale i would be.

But you see im just a pony!

9 hands to be exact

My purpose here on earth

cannot be told.

I may not step high

i may not turn tight

i may not pull big carrages

But oh how faithful i can be.

You see i have a owner

Who really REALLY loves me.

Its really not that bad,

being little old me.

My heart can love

ten times as much

as any draft pony.

So never time i am

Diwbm frowing and depressed.

I will lift my tail high and flow my mane

as i trot

in complete bliss!.

BY: Leeana H. 9-27-05

Okay this one isnt the best one i wrote (thats why its last). I wrote it during study hall today so my mind wasnt all there. Yes, its about Coco ..agian. Its not that well wrote, but it has allot of meaning to me.


The days were dark and gloomy

the nights were long and sad

half the time it was pretty good

the other half was pretty bad

I knew there was no way out

i swear it would never end

i guess i talked way to soon

because that all changed

the day i saw you

Some people say your just a horse,

a useless little pony.

But they dont see

as i do,

you are an angel dressed as

a Beautiful horse,

What a phony!

I see right through you

and into them deep blue eyes

and what is behind them is

much more then any discize.

Your an angel sent from heaven

to help someone like me.

I guess no one will really know

How true it would really be!

BY: Leeana H. 9-28-05

So i will have more tommarow! (i have a 50 minute study hall ..ugh)

Leeana :D
oops sorry ...excuse the spelling, its been a looooonng day!.

The edit thing wont let me fix it! arghhh

Leeana :D
wow ..i guess them peoms really sucked.


OK Leanna since you didn't have any response I will just say that the first one seem very dark to me


Like you are trying to visualize the day your horse dies or something so I'm not connecting with that one at all. Not something I would want to think or read about.

The other well, I think you have some feelings that you are trying to bring out but haven't communicated your point very well. I'd keep working on it. After all, I've written poems about lice and bugs and things so I'm not one to talk about lack or communication!!!! lol

And for the record, and trying not to be critical but helpful, I can spell, but I am terribly at typing which makes me misssspellll workdsls lol so you may want to use spell check because some of your words are way off and hard to understand actually.

Try these poems again. Move your words around, use new ones, it's fun. Eventually they will come out the way you would like them to.

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