when it comes to disciplining her foal she will not, he is so agressive towards all the other horses but for the most part he has been left with his mom and an older mare but I am concerned as to his behavior, I brough an older filly up to clip her and she was tied in the isle of the barn and I walked off to get the "supplies" and I look over and he is biting her in the face and rearing up on her....this is not the first time he has done this to a horse tied. When he gets mad at his mom he will back up to her pin his ears and kick at her she just stands there he will try breed her bite her rear up on her and she does nothing but I worry if he will think this is normal behavior in the pasture.... I today put some younger and older horses in the pasture wiht him so hopefully he will see that it is not ok to treat the other horses as he does his mother. Is she just too laid back of a mom, is she tired of being a mom? She does care about him when someone new (horse) comes in the pasture she will holler for him to find him so it is not lack of concern.....maybe I should put him on jenny jones for deliquent horses and they will send him to foal boot camp