does anybody have experience with this? I am an X vet tech but never dealt with it myself!! I dont want my dogs or myself exposed so i am not touching him or letting my dogs near him...but it may already be in the environment.
Right now i have him tied down the hill with shelter, food and water away from my house and pets, and im going to go to the vet to get some Canine Revolution to treat my dogs tomorrow, I use frontline for fleas but if i remember correctly the revolution prevents sarcoptes mange.
the sad part is I believe the dog belongs to my neighbor down the road, who has alot of hound dogs, and i cant bring myself to bring this dog back to them. I hear this man beating and yelling at his dogs constantly. I have come close to turning him in, he has about 12 hound dogs and he abuses them

this little dog is skin and bones, unneutered of course...

but anyways does anybody have any experience with mange?? how susceptible (sp??) are my dogs right now?? I really do not want to turn him over to the shelter because they will probobly euthanize before treating the mange. It breaks my heart because this dog is soo sweet, but so afraid at the same time, he acts liek he has been hit many times

Thanks for any advice!!