I jsut came in from checking on the boys and Omar looks as though his mouth area is a little swollen. probably from a bug bit or bee sting. What do I do? Can he have baby benedril like my dog can? trying not to panic here. as the vet is on a vacation and... wont be back till next tueday
I had a gelding with a severe case of hives a couple of weeks ago, and we gave him a people sized dose of regular Benedryl in addition to Banamine and dexmethasone. Benedryl is a good place to start.
apparently it was a bit or sting of some sort. it went down almost as fast as it came up ut the little guy had trouble breathing. As I have pug nosed dogs I panic when a nose swells. But he was better before the vet could get here that took two hours. And he is eating and acting as though he is just fine right now. thanks for the input.
Vet did say I could give him an adult benadril for it should it happen again. So off to the store to get some of those. Just in case. Id one enough for a mini? he is only a year old.
I think it could have been a fire ant bite. I am trying to clear them out of their pasture.