Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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Can someone with a foal blanket (for newborns) do me a favor and measure from the very front of the blanket (where the chest would be) to the back of the blanket? I think the one I have is too long and I need to go back and swap it for the smaller one.
Definite progress but I think she might have another few days to go yet. She might go around the 31st after all LOL

My foal rugs are 21" but I found them a little big even on Buck who was about c. 21" at birth. But you wont go too far wrong with a rug of around 20". Laney is a taller mare so hard to know what size foal she will have.

Here is Buck modelling his rug. I could probably do with ordering something around the 19"/20" myself for this yr and with a velcro belly band.

Ricky was just in Laney's pen snooping around. He is so small compared to her.

Thank you Karina! I got one that said 20" but it was from the shoulder to the butt so it is more like 25". I am going to have to swap it this week for the smaller one. Gosh, what an adorable picture!

I turned Laney out for the afternoon. One last band of storms is supposed to come through later on then it is going to be nice ALL week!

I really hope she goes before the 31st because my best friend's bridal shower is on the 31st and I would hate to miss it! (the shower)
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Udder didn't go down during the day... may have gone up a bit!

I will check it again tonight and post pictures.

Laney is so jumpy tonight. She made me jump when I was feeding her lol
Those pics show a lot of progression I think. It's just around the corner I'm thinking!!!!
Well I think the rain has passed us for the rest of the week so I hope she does go within the next 7 days!
Just for fun- these are pictures taken this morning (day 323) and then last Sunday morning (day 316). Progress over 1 week.

Lots of changes! We are definately moving in the right direction.Was watching you a while ago when you were feeding. Laney looked at you one time as to say "hey, where you going. Oh well I'm hungry I'll see her later". It wa too cute
good change over a week! I really should look at Suzie's photos and see how much longer she took when she was at Laney's stage as Laney has been bagging up quite similar to how Suzie did...

I think she might go longer then my 27th
but I'll forgive her just as long as I see the birth!!
We have more progress! She definitely has filled since this morning. Her udder is much harder then it has been recently too. I didn't attempt to get milk because I hadn't brought her apple treats- I didn't think she had progressed this much. I may go back out in an hour or so and try though.


So my helper is in bed- I won't be testing her milk. I am going to be going to bed soon too and will probably post when I sign off.

She's getting closer!!!
I wanted to update before I went to bed. Laney has had several mushy poops and has a decent amount of bloody show. (most I have seen yet- very red in color) Has anyone had this with their mares? It has been happening for about a week now, in small amounts.

I am off to bed. Goodnight/day everyone!
some yawning and pacing... WOW she has progressed... hmm might be right on for the 27th heehee.

I'm keeping a close eye and I'll msg you if I see anything, I see you have zoomed in the camera, good idea... if she goes into the stable and we can't see her for a while, I might msg you to ask to change the camera angle, hope that will be ok.

have a good sleep! I think the next 2-3 days you will be getting that little baby!!
Laney is down sternal, had a look back at her tummy... she is resting I think... I am watching just in case, as at this level I think she could go anytime if she really wanted too...
Yea I am sitting at the computer now with the cam zoomed. Ill have to take it back and then put it back on rotation when I get in bed. I saw her yawning and kicking so I zoomed it in to see more clear (or attempt to..sorry about the cams not being crisp)

Once it goes back on rotation I am not watching. She is down now looking like she is trying to sleep. She is so cute she puts her chin down on the ground to nap when she is sternal.

Thanks again- as always!
oh good I'm glad your still up
was hoping I wouldn't have to wake u to get your to change it back. I think like you say she is just resting. Get some rest megan, I am here for another 2 hours at least.

Penny is gone...
I followed Cameron (my friend) up to his house and put her in her new paddock she went straight to eating the grass and was so happy, the foal and mare who ware in the paddock next to hers were hilarious the foal is gorgoeous, already bigger then Penny LOL and was trotting around with her tail up high in the air LOL. Cameron will wean the foal this afternoon.

he will msg me with updates on how she goes when he puts the filly in with her I will let you guys know how they go if you like... Smartie went feral when we took her away poor sook lol.

Laney now down flat OMG she is hUGE!!! now back sternal up and having a scratch LOL funny pregnant mummy!!
OMG she looked HUGE when she was flat!!

Is Penny over to be bred? How far away is she from you? Please keep us updated on how she is!

Alright I am really off to bed. Very sleepy and getting hungry so I need to go before I have to eat.
haha you are funny Megan
yes go to sleep she seems fine

na she is being baby sitter to a friend who is weaning his foal
I won't put her into foal until about September october... thats our breeding season. doing a few more yawns but looking fine to me

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