Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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Well the fact her udder has now stayed the same from morning to evening is progress. I always find that once they stay that size then they move on to the next level and so on. I am still waiting to see her bag go wider (from behind) if you know what I mean.

And I agree that is probably just from rubbing or something.
Thanks! Don't worry I didn't panic
I wanted to make sure someone looked at the pic though

I do think this area gets 'caught' as she walks because it was sticking out the last day or so when I checked her hind end.

I looked up mastitis in horses and it definitely is in the actual udder. There are some crazy pictures if you ever google it.

I'll take the big caps out of the title now.
Likely just irritated from butt rubbing. She is progressing nicely. She has more filling up to do and the nipples need to point down more.

She is at that stage where you need to feel her bag a couple of times a day. I have found that when mine get a full bag that is hard they tend to foal in less than 48 hours.

Think positive and remain calm. Sounds like you have lots of helpful eyes from aunties on her.
Last night she was resting a lot tonight I guess she is eating to make up for everything she didn't eat yeserday LOL

I am pooped.. going to go to bed already.

Goodnight/day ladies! Hope it's a good one!
do you all remember Renee from Anyssa Park miniatures, her Girl Princess I think it was had done sooo much butt rubbing that she was bleeding from it poor thing. then as soon as she foaled she was all good

If your worried about it Megan you could probably put some ointment on it
won't hurt, thats if she lets you that is LOL

she is certainly making up for last night in the eating department LOL hasn't stopped!!
Midnight cam time and she's still eating!lol I think she and Raven have been sharing notes...all eating, no foaling!lol
oh Parmela lol yeah I think they are lol 12:40am and yes you got it ..... STILL EATING!!!!!!! LOL well at least we don't have to worry about her losing weight at all tonight LOL! Laney.
Laney's udder got bigger last night.. it's really long this morning.


She had more bloody show last night- it dripped down from her hooha and left a stain behind.

I didn't post last night but I was able to get a little from her udder. It was cloudy/white.

She ate a lot last night compared to what she has been eating.

Next week's weather is supposed to be nice and dry! We will have a few more storms through Sunday and then Mon-Fri will be very nice weather!
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wow her udder is growing
I betted next Friday bit I am starting to think that she might go before.
As long as she waits until after Sunday when the weather breaks so the ground will be nice and dry
I am having to run do some things so I will be away for a little bit ladies.
Wow so good!!! Lol ready for the 27th hee hee hey what do I win? Lol

I was always so excited with suz to go out n find she had done more shopping!!! She looks so good!
Thanks ladies!

I think Laney's udder was the same as this morning but it was a little hard to tell. I will check again tonight and take a pic. Hope she keeps shopping! Of course it is supposed to rain a lot tomorrow so I'd like her to wait until after this weekend.

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