Well-Known Member
Not sure if I should have put this on the Back Porch, but I feel it's horse related, so here it is.
We have new neighbors across the street. Great folks; we're lucky. They have a little boy, 8, and a little girl 10 or 11. I've been leading them around on Ripple, always holding the lead rope and staying right on top of them. The little boy would like to start taking lessons with me so he can ride on his own (always under my supervision, but off the lead line) in the arena. Now Ripple is a genuine kids pony and I do trust her, BUT... I'm not letting go of that lead rope or getting more than arms-length away until his cute little noggin is protected.
I mentioned to his mom tonight that I'm happy to help Jared go further, but I really want him to get a crash helmet first. She asked if a bike helmet was adequate. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that a riding helmet (like a Troxel)protects further down on the back of the head and has a better harness system to stay put? Am I right? I don't ride bikes, so have never really inspected a bike helmet. Would you let your kids ride with a bike helmet?
I'm also wondering about liability. I do have the Idaho Equine Liability notice hanging in the barn. It basically says this is an Equine Activity area and you could get hurt. Is there a standard release I should have them sign? I hate that our society has come to this, but I don't want to get myself in trouble or loose my farm. How do you all handle non-family riding your horses? I'm not a riding instructor by profession, but do help little ones get introduced to riding and horsekeeping. I never take money for it. I love working with the really little ones; lighting that fire that will last a lifetime.
There's a picture of Jared (who's very shy around cameras) riding Ripple on our site:
I think they are so cute together, and she responds really well to him.
Thanks all for your help with this,

We have new neighbors across the street. Great folks; we're lucky. They have a little boy, 8, and a little girl 10 or 11. I've been leading them around on Ripple, always holding the lead rope and staying right on top of them. The little boy would like to start taking lessons with me so he can ride on his own (always under my supervision, but off the lead line) in the arena. Now Ripple is a genuine kids pony and I do trust her, BUT... I'm not letting go of that lead rope or getting more than arms-length away until his cute little noggin is protected.
I mentioned to his mom tonight that I'm happy to help Jared go further, but I really want him to get a crash helmet first. She asked if a bike helmet was adequate. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that a riding helmet (like a Troxel)protects further down on the back of the head and has a better harness system to stay put? Am I right? I don't ride bikes, so have never really inspected a bike helmet. Would you let your kids ride with a bike helmet?
I'm also wondering about liability. I do have the Idaho Equine Liability notice hanging in the barn. It basically says this is an Equine Activity area and you could get hurt. Is there a standard release I should have them sign? I hate that our society has come to this, but I don't want to get myself in trouble or loose my farm. How do you all handle non-family riding your horses? I'm not a riding instructor by profession, but do help little ones get introduced to riding and horsekeeping. I never take money for it. I love working with the really little ones; lighting that fire that will last a lifetime.
There's a picture of Jared (who's very shy around cameras) riding Ripple on our site:
I think they are so cute together, and she responds really well to him.
Thanks all for your help with this,