Silver City Heritage Farmstead
Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
Okay---so there've been a few changes around here since I started my "Introduction from NC thread"
First the farm name: DRAGON'S WISH PERFORMANCE MINIATURES If y'all think that's too much of a mouthful--PLEASE let me know!! We can just go with DRAGON'S WISH FARM if that seems better. Final decision will be on Monday.
Now that your all wondering "why THAT title if she's only gonna talk about an old thread"---anticipation makes the announcement better!!
Some nice person(s) made sure I got the email blasts about the Southern Breezes Auction. I looked at all the "pretties"...made notes about the ones I liked...did some research....kept telling myself I was "just looking"....just "educating my eye".....well...Ya'll know the routine..
Then two days before sale ends, I request a BIDDERS NUMBER
and ignore all email the next day.
Last day of sale, receive an email blast "Sale ends today"....
Some more.....
Long about 4 o'clock....get back on ' bids on my first I go ahead and place the beginning reasoning being "she's a nice filly, good show record, SURELY the last minute bidders are waiting on her, so they'll get a good deal"...I was even GOOD, I didn't place a proxy bid.
Then I quick get off 'net, and run away from the house until after sale closes at 8:00. Long about 8:45, I log into my email from my thrifty little phone....AND I WON!!!!!!
So now I own........

What do you think about THAT???!!! I've been doing the Happy Dance and saying TEE HEEEE HEEE since I got her papers in my hot little hand!! (Drove down yesterday and picked them up since it's only 3 hours) Now I have a base to build on for my little Performance Minis Farm
ETA: forgot to give photo credit to Julie Wagner of SMHC and to thank Heather Troglauer of Mulligan's Run for the opportunity to begin with such a nice mare.
First the farm name: DRAGON'S WISH PERFORMANCE MINIATURES If y'all think that's too much of a mouthful--PLEASE let me know!! We can just go with DRAGON'S WISH FARM if that seems better. Final decision will be on Monday.
Now that your all wondering "why THAT title if she's only gonna talk about an old thread"---anticipation makes the announcement better!!
Some nice person(s) made sure I got the email blasts about the Southern Breezes Auction. I looked at all the "pretties"...made notes about the ones I liked...did some research....kept telling myself I was "just looking"....just "educating my eye".....well...Ya'll know the routine..
Then two days before sale ends, I request a BIDDERS NUMBER

Last day of sale, receive an email blast "Sale ends today"....

Long about 4 o'clock....get back on ' bids on my first I go ahead and place the beginning reasoning being "she's a nice filly, good show record, SURELY the last minute bidders are waiting on her, so they'll get a good deal"...I was even GOOD, I didn't place a proxy bid.
Then I quick get off 'net, and run away from the house until after sale closes at 8:00. Long about 8:45, I log into my email from my thrifty little phone....AND I WON!!!!!!

So now I own........

What do you think about THAT???!!! I've been doing the Happy Dance and saying TEE HEEEE HEEE since I got her papers in my hot little hand!! (Drove down yesterday and picked them up since it's only 3 hours) Now I have a base to build on for my little Performance Minis Farm
ETA: forgot to give photo credit to Julie Wagner of SMHC and to thank Heather Troglauer of Mulligan's Run for the opportunity to begin with such a nice mare.
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