When I first posted about abandoning pets |I meant what I said- it was not empty words. In order to get me to leave my dogs to that sort of fate you would have to shoot me dead where I stood. Just shows how faithless we are. I hope someone had the guts to put those animals out of their misery if they did not have the guts to say "the Heck with the rules, I'm not leaving the dog" One old gentleman died in a house fire caused by a candle knocked over because he would not leave his puppies- a Human life could have been simply saved by bundling those fifteen tiny things into a carry crate, but, no, there were "rules" When do our pets get to make the rules?? I guess when people are prepared to abandon frail old humans to their fate we cannot expect any sort of loyalty to animals. So lets help where we can, pray when we can't and remember a lot of people died because they would not leave the helpless, animal and human, and a lot of people did keep the faith.