Thanks for all the concern. Yes, I'm here and WOW! I'm overwhelmed with all that has to be done.
Some friends from WI thankfully convoyed down with me and are in the process of re-roofing the house, fixing the shower stall, broken door, etc etc etc. This is quite the fixer-upper but that's OK. I've got a little bit of carpentry experience, some power tools, and lots of energy (except between Noon and 6:00 PM when the temps have reached 106 degrees!). And all the elbow grease will pay off if and when I ever decide to sell this place.
I won't be starting on building my stalls for a few weeks but that's OK - I won't need them until foaling season starts in March.
Rorick Horse Hauling rolled in around 10:00 PM last night with the rest of the herd (I brought 5 head with me last week and they brought 17). We were really scrambling in the middle of the thunderstorm to get the last of the fences done in time. But that rain sure felt GOOD.
The views from the top of this mountain are spectacular!!!!!!!! Not much for grass around here because I think there is only 1 or 2 inches of top soil and then sandstone. Sure got a workout pounding fence posts!!
Haven't done much unpacking as I've been working with the guys on the roof and finishing fence. Now if I could only find the box that has the towels!
So if any of you ever get down this way - y-awl stop by! The coffee pot is always on. Or if it's a really hot day, the lemonade!