Is something about to happen?

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Ozy, fascinating video and equally fascinating discussion afterwards. Thanks for sharing and giving us all some food for thought.
Oh, sorry! I was looking for the room where they were discussing embassies, and diplomats, and the possibility of countries attacking each other, and the brutal murder of an ambassador.

Well, guess you can never get enough chimps, ducks, and whales. Oh do go on! I just love hearing how educated one is. Can we get some cute cartoons of how militant the radical muslim brotherhood is? How about one of uncle sam handing them his hat filled with billions of u.s. dollars? Oh my gosh, you don't think any of what is going on between countries has anything to do with money? (I asked myself.) Self, answer me! No, I will not! You're selfish! Am not! Are too! Am not! Are too!
Actually, I came online to tell that LSU was under bomb threat today, as University of Texas was the other day but that is likely insignificant compared to discussions of the age of the earth. (wink wink)
Ozy, fascinating video and equally fascinating discussion afterwards. Thanks for sharing and giving us all some food for thought.
Hey, no problem
Those two young chimps were just adorable "dude, pay attention...pull the string" lol.

As for the "twisting of topics" comments, seriously "get over it"...religious comments are only given when religion is behind the topic - like the anti gay topics of a month or so ago etc. If religion is the motivation for the anti gay rights or the situation brewing in the Middle East then comments will be made.

If ML wants to make this a Christian only site - more power to her - it's her board. If religion is out of bounds - fair enough. But until that happens and we are allowed freedom of speech here then I and others on both sides will freely express those feelings.

I don't hide the fact that I think a world free of religious superstition and myths would be a far better place. It's far too divisive we're not "humans" we're Christians or Muslims or Jews or whatever. When mankind realizes that we're given one precious planet to care for during one fleeting lifetime rather than wanting to be sucked up to a better place then we'd be investing more into making everyone's life better worldwide. JMHO.

Peace dudes

Edited to add "who" do you think was behind the killing of our ambassador? Oups...sorry a religious group - sorry but gotta call a duck a duck ;) ( )

and how far will they go? This is some seriously scary stuff!
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some seriously scary stuff!

Indeed. I can tell from your last two sentences that it is not about you 100% of the time. Thanks for getting back on the subject. Sorry that I did not take the time to respond to that Ape Protection Act Thread (and that nobody else did) that you started. I just was not interested. What is important to me is what is going on with a potential war. I hope we are further away from that than what it seems right now.

I think ML has the board under control. She likely realizes that it is her board and if she issues warnings and suspensions as needed.
And WendyJ, I can tell from your post #78 that you actually are into current events.
I don't think any sane person condones any radical/terrorist acts in the name of religion...they happen in all religions, including lack of religion:

As for atheist nations being more peaceful, read this:

Specifically the first paragraph under all the links addressing the notion that atheist nations are more peaceful...then if you would like to research further check out the link about totalitarian govt and atheism, which are strongly related.

As far as the original topic...yes we should all be concerned, the conflict is about land, wether it be holy land or oil land really makes no difference, or about nuclear issues with Isreal and Iran.
I'm normally simply a reader on this board, but this such an important topic, and there are some amazing minds that participate on here.

Yes, I try to be involved in some current events, mainly for selfish reasons, ie, if I think they might actually be the type that can influence my life. And this has the potential to do so much more than that.

I think radical extremists use religion as a means to provide them with followers. I think the real motivator for these folks is hatred and anger. Or maybe I'm wrong when it comes to Islam, as I simply don't understand the religion. I also don't understand why it would appeal to so many people, especially women. And yet, Muslims are increasing in numbers like crazy around where I live....many of whom don't seem to be of middle-eastern origin, but instead are younger people who have adopted the religion. Which begs the question.....and I want to assume that these are good, peaceful individuals .....but is it possible some of these individuals can be incited by an extremely charismatic leader to become our very own homegrown suicide bombers? And why would the Obama administration allow someone like Tyrique (sp?) Ramadan, heir to the Muslim Brotherhood and extremely charasmatic speaker/leader back into the US, when he had previously been banned from the US as well as 7 other countries for terrorist ties as well as a history of inciting violence with his talks? So now, he's free to run around the US talking to our many, many Muslim groups and we have no idea if his agenda is good or evil.
Truly, there are many questions of why concerning the attack on the embassy. One thing that does seem obvious is that the attack was a pre-planned military type attack. And that look on Hillary's face...can't seem to come up with a descriptive word that fits. And the chanting...about Osama Bin Laden. A lot of people think that the Seal Team Six event was on a look-alike and that he had been dead for years. So many questions are being raised.
There is much violence/hatred proclaimed in the name of Islamic faith:

I however do not see thousands of Christians (Protestants, Catholic, Jewish) lining up to be suicide bombers.

Violence should not be tollerated in any religious or non religious group.

Your concerns and comments Wendy are very accurate and well deserved. I do not believe the leader of our Country has it's citizens' best interests at heart...
I'm normally simply a reader on this board, but this such an important topic, and there are some amazing minds that participate on here.

Yes, I try to be involved in some current events, mainly for selfish reasons, ie, if I think they might actually be the type that can influence my life. And this has the potential to do so much more than that.

I think radical extremists use religion as a means to provide them with followers. I think the real motivator for these folks is hatred and anger. Or maybe I'm wrong when it comes to Islam, as I simply don't understand the religion. I also don't understand why it would appeal to so many people, especially women. And yet, Muslims are increasing in numbers like crazy around where I live....many of whom don't seem to be of middle-eastern origin, but instead are younger people who have adopted the religion. Which begs the question.....and I want to assume that these are good, peaceful individuals .....but is it possible some of these individuals can be incited by an extremely charismatic leader to become our very own homegrown suicide bombers? And why would the Obama administration allow someone like Tyrique (sp?) Ramadan, heir to the Muslim Brotherhood and extremely charasmatic speaker/leader back into the US, when he had previously been banned from the US as well as 7 other countries for terrorist ties as well as a history of inciting violence with his talks? So now, he's free to run around the US talking to our many, many Muslim groups and we have no idea if his agenda is good or evil.
Thank you for your post. I am back at work after 3 weeks of holidays and was too tired last night to post.

I was thinking that religion, to me anyway, basically is equal to ideology and so atheism is in fact a religion (ideology). Their are extremes in ideology in ALL religions and that is what causes division, animosity, and yes hatred which is what I perceive the film that was made is. Because I do not live in the middle east nor am Muslim I can not fathom or understand the fervor of those demonstrating or the horrible murder that took place. Also it seems some Muslims living in the Middle East do not understand our culture, our laws, ect. They have never lived this culture. Thei faith seems to be a totally encompassing way of life, they eat and breath their religion (ideology). They pray 5 times a day. I don't know if we will ever understand nor them understand us. Heck, we often have problems even getting along in some threads. I know this point of view will not be popular but I wonder if this film had never been distributed if we would be seeing this amount of hatred. We basically gave them an excuse to do so. If everyone respected each others believes the world would be a much better place to live. The Muslims must respect all other religions as we also have to respect their beliefs. Now the extremists are a totally different kettle of fish and should not be tolerated in our countries and should either be deported or should face the law for "hate crimes" when the shoe fits.
I don't think the film is actually released yet, just a trailer for the movie, which has been out since July. Has anyone seen it? I saw it on youtube and I really didn't get the big deal, unless I wasn't watching the right thing. It appeared to be an account from a marine who was stationed in the middle east...he basically went crazy (as what happens with many soldiers) and was rambling on about enjoying killing and disliking Muslims. They had his voice sounding almost like a demon to portray thay he was bonkers....and then it went to a clip of his Mom saying she had lost her son and in the middle of the night he would attack her, etc...

There are alot of distasteful nasty things on you tube, I didn't see this as any worse than other things I've seen...but again maybe I wasn't watching the right video.

I do not believe the video really sparked anything that was bound to happen in the first is no secret that radical Muslims (7% which equate to 91 million) do not like the western world, our culture and views. Many believe al qauda was behind it.

Whatever the reasoning, I do not believe it's over and things are for sure brewing in a few places.
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I was thinking that religion, to me anyway, basically is equal to ideology and so atheism is in fact a religion (ideology).
Atheism is not a religion! A = without Theos = god. That's it - plain and simple. There's no books, there's no philosophy, there's no ideology. There's no set of rules, no worshipping (nothing) Buddhists are atheists. Not believing in the tooth fairy isn't a religion. Not believing in Sasquatch isn't a religion. Not believing in the Lock Ness Monster isn't a religion. Not believing in any of the myriad of gods that humans have invented over the years is not a religion

The 3 Abrahamic religions basically share the same Old Testament but that's where the similarity ends. The reason there has never been peace between them and IMO never will be is how the belief changes concerning their prophets/ sons of God etc. Ask any Christian - the entire basis for their religion is that you accept Jesus Christ as the one true God....if you don''re doomed! SO the only choice for peace is convert, convert, convert until everyone is under the same umbrella. Unfortunately Islam is as important to a Muslim as Christianity is to a Christian.

I agree with you Danielle, the Middle East is a cauldron ready to blow. If it wasn't this video that triggered it then it would be something else a day later.
I cannot see ATHEISM as equating to a religion

Additionally, I do not think those who embrace the stark nothingness of atheisim could experience the same benefits and rewards that go with being a person who has found their God. ... even if we're only speaking of the here and now
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Here's something interesting for those of us with mental images of Noah's Ark


But what I really wanted to say is that it is considered by many that the original reason for the embassy attack was regarding a demand that Omar Abdel-Rahmen, aka The Blind Sheikh, be released from prison. Abdel-Rahmen is serving a life sentence for his role in the World Trade Center terrorism. And there are now rumblings that the Obama Administration is in negotiations to give him back to Egypt.

I know it's ridiculous to think that Obama is secretly a Muslim with a radical agenda (and I, in know way, believe this), but he certainly adds fuel to the fire for people who do believe it. There is NOTHING good that can come from letting these countries bully us in this manner.

Since Egypt has now issued arrest warrants for Terry Jones as well as the creator of the you-tube video, it will be very interesting to see what happens, as Obama has already proven a complete disregard for our Nation's Constitution.
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Here's something interesting for those of us with mental images of Noah's Ark


here's a very good link - well worth the time to read.

Of course there is so much more scientific evidence showing there never was a global flood, including cultures that not only were thriving pre flood but were still thriving post flood with not one word of it in their histories. Most modern Theologians agree that it was just a rehash of an old Sumarian myth of a localized flood to that area, the Epic of Gilgamesh and that Genesis shouldn't be taken literally.

A number of years ago I was personally involved with the Equine Genome Study. mtDNA samples were collected from horse breeds from all over the world. I was helping with the collection of some of the rarer horse breeds from North America (originating in Spain) We sequenced the mitochondrial D-Loop of over 600 horses. I'm not going to get too heavy into the science of mtDNA sequencing other than to say there is overwhelming scientific evidence that there were 77 ancestral types well established before the Noah's ark story from locations all over the globe (including Przewalski's) which continued well into today's modern breeds - something totally impossible in the global flood theory.

Just interesting info if you're open minded enough to want to research stuff
I don't think the film is actually released yet, just a trailer for the movie, which has been out since July. Has anyone seen it? I saw it on youtube and I really didn't get the big deal, unless I wasn't watching the right thing. It appeared to be an account from a marine who was stationed in the middle east...he basically went crazy (as what happens with many soldiers) and was rambling on about enjoying killing and disliking Muslims. They had his voice sounding almost like a demon to portray thay he was bonkers....and then it went to a clip of his Mom saying she had lost her son and in the middle of the night he would attack her, etc...

There are alot of distasteful nasty things on you tube, I didn't see this as any worse than other things I've seen...but again maybe I wasn't watching the right video.

I do not believe the video really sparked anything that was bound to happen in the first is no secret that radical Muslims (7% which equate to 91 million) do not like the western world, our culture and views. Many believe al qauda was behind it.

Whatever the reasoning, I do not believe it's over and things are for sure brewing in a few places.

I saw the trailer. It was cheesy. There are so many outright untruths about it. Word got out that it was going to be a block buster movie. Supposed to have had a 5 million dollar budget. Like one talk show host said , "you could make it for $500 and shoot it in your basement in 1 day." It looked like those old timey westerns where everything was a prop. The actors and actresses were tricked in what it was and are in fear for their lives. They never even said the word Mohummad (sp?). Their script always said "Master George" but their voices were duped over. The whole thing reminded me of South Park with real people. It would be insulting to Muslims but that is no excuse for the violence. It is for sure a false flag and it is costing lives of innocent people. Not sure of all the who and why is involved because the scope of evil is likely beyond what everyday people can comprehend. I heard today that there was a lot of security around the film maker when he was arrested. There sure was not a lot of security around the ambassador. Valerie Jarrett is given more security when she vacations at Martha's Vineyard than the ambassador had.
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I must not have watched the right video because it doesn't sound like what you described Vickie.

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