Is something about to happen?

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Vickie, my heart is heavy now too. I'm so incredibly sad for our world. I think about all the women and children and men who just want peace in the Middle East so they can go quietly about their lives. I think about the U.S. lives lost and the turmoil and uncertain future and the reactions of the politicians that span the gamut from war to no action. It's very troubling times for sure with no end in sight at the moment. If we go back to the beginning of this thread with the title "Is Something About to Happen," we can now answer yes and that is very sad.
A few weeks ago I told my husband that something was going to happen on 9/11 of this year. I just felt it. We have to have anti-terroism training at work. I just had to take it again a couple of weeks ago and actually found myself paying attention in an abnormal way. We have tons of training that has nothing to do with anything concerning our particular fields. Anyhow, this did stick with me so I will pass it along just in case anyone ever finds themself in a situation where there is an active shooter. Bullet fire: Try to get behind object to obscure you, if possible barricade yourself in a room, but above all crouch down rather than lie down if bullets are being fired around you. You don't want to lie down because bullets would likely be going all the way to the floor and you would be more likely to take a fatal shot. Crouching it is more likely that any shot might be less life threatening. Grenades: Lie down. I know this may sound crazy. But you never know what situation you could be involved in.
If only they knew that all you needed in life was a weekend away at a football game GO DUCKS! (63 to 14... Sorry Tennessee Tech lol)

I don't know whos posting under multiple names im presuming the posts were deleted while i was away but what does it matter...maybe they want to say something and don't want's sad but a few of the most pious posters here are the most vicious. It's sad that a member here feels they can't speak their mind.

As for the what's going on in the middle east.....I'm sticking with what I've said all along...combine hatred, fear, fanaticism and ignorance with delusion and you end with destruction.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Both sides, in my opinion, are continuing to fuel the flames.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Both sides, in my opinion, are continuing to fuel the flames.

HAHAHA LOVE that cartoon ! Too funny (but sadly so true)

Two wrongs don't make a right. Both sides, in my opinion, are continuing to fuel the flames.

Danielle, I am not certain what you mean by both sides. Democrat/Republican, Israel/Iran, christian/atheist(other religions) or what, but in reality it is much bigger. Much bigger.

And it is none of the above.
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It is much bigger and that is why it is a no win situation because everyone thinks they are right. Human nature has a lot to learn yet because we all think our way is the right way.
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It is much bigger and that is why it is a no win situation because everyone thinks they are right. Human nature has a lot to learn yet because we all think our way is the right way.
Danielle, you're so correct in this statement. What's terrifying in its reality though is the fact that the vast majority of all sides involved doesn't want to "think". There IS only one right's called "REALITY". When you can take an adult with an average IQ, access to education and vast pools of scientifically proven factual information and they still refuse to accept reality and live in a world of myth and superstition there's no hope for our future.

I'm not talking about small differences in what's real and what's myth. I'm talking about differences so vast it's like comparing the volume of the Pacific ocean to the amount of water held in a teaspoon. Lets take believing in a higher being out of the picture and break it down into it's simplest form. If you can convince that average adult based on NOTHING but the writings of one bronze age book written by a bunch of poorly educated middle eastern cattle drovers something so absurd as the world being 7000 years old - and they believe it - then how can we possibly advance any further as a peaceful civilized race. If you can convince someone of can convince them of anything! Including my invisible friend is better than your invisible friend and my reward for killing you because you believe in a different invisible friend than I do is 72 (or whatever) vir.gins!

As Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist Oxford University once said. "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane".
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Funny how none of the believers on this forum are trying to convince others of the existence of a higher being...because then you would be considered a bible thumping lunatic with no education.....however it's just fine and dandy to try to convince others of the belief of athiesm at every opportunity (even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic) all the while insulting's getting quite annoying I must say. People who preach preach tolerance of their belief system surely have no tolerance for others. Very hypocritical.
Nothing to do with the topic? It has everything to do with the topic...what's going on in the Middle East is 100% religiously motivated. The 3 Abrahamic religions are the center of the conflict!

I'm not trying to convince anyone of the "belief of atheism". You want to believe the earth was flooded to the height that a commercial jetliner flies - higher than the clouds - but a little wooden boat filled with the entire worlds species of - well everything from sperm whales to bacteria - was in it...go ahead
But don't expect those of us that know that's been proven not to be true to keep quiet...under the threats of not being tolerant. If religion was a peaceful, lets all get along kind of idea there'd be a bit more tolerance from those of us seriously seeing an out of control conflict starting to erupt - the basis of which is nothing but imagination.
I do think Sonya is right. Big time. Vickie, too! Topic after topic gets twisted for the same agenda -- bashing religion and those who are fortunate enough to have that as part of their lives.
I've always thought religion and evolution could exist side by side. Something had to have started it all and to me that is Divine. Ozy, I love your image of a little wooden boat carrying all kinds of things out into the world. Made me smile in a good way.

The situation in the Middle East is so troubling and will have such a profound influence on everyone. I just wish different factions wouldn't be so entrenched in beliefs that we can't allow others to have theirs and respect their right to live and believe as they will. I don't understand why a Holy City that is holy to many different faiths can't be shared peacefully. Just keep thinking about Marvin Gaye's lyrics "War is not the answer and only love will conquer hate" but I'm an aging hippie.
I've always thought religion and evolution could exist side by side. Something had to have started it all and to me that is Divine. Ozy, I love your image of a little wooden boat carrying all kinds of things out into the world. Made me smile in a good way.

The situation in the Middle East is so troubling and will have such a profound influence on everyone. I just wish different factions wouldn't be so entrenched in beliefs that we can't allow others to have theirs and respect their right to live and believe as they will. I don't understand why a Holy City that is holy to many different faiths can't be shared peacefully. Just keep thinking about Marvin Gaye's lyrics "War is not the answer and only love will conquer hate" but I'm an aging hippie.
MountainWoman, I absolutely adore you (from one aging hippy to another). YOU are the embodiment of what a true Christian should be. It's so sad what's happening and you're right about the Holy City comment. When you get one religion building a holy shrine on top of another religions holy shrine and then not allowing them there because it would be violating your religion to allow infidels access...I can picture a hilarious cartoon of a church being built upon a church, upon a church and on and on towards the heavens
. Gosh forbid they couldn't all get along worshiping peacefully side by side.
Ozy, I love your image of a little wooden boat carrying all kinds of things out into the world. Made me smile in a good way.
I know in reality with that much freshwater changing the seas salinity that whales wouldn't have survived if for no other reason that their massive food intake needs wouldn't have been met...but lets just pretend they could.... wouldn't it be cute to see the little boat with...well 2 of each...x 79 158 whales cruising along behind
I wish I could simply hate the Islam religion and blame everything on it. But I don't know/understand enough about it to make that sort of judgement. Because I can see how radical extremists can hijack a belief system and twist it to suit their needs. (And I don't think intelligence is involved, as there is an excellent example of intelligent people blindly following without question right here in the US)

I think if I were an atheist, religion would be such a convenient thing to blame all of the world's problems on. Evil exists, and a world without religion would be a very, very scary place.
Evil exists, and a world without religion would be a very, very scary place.
Evil does exist. There will always be people doing good and visa versa. As for your other comment - why scary...look at the non faith nations like the Netherlands - they top the worlds lists of the most peaceful nations they have the highest levels of education, highest standards of living etc. If you think for one moment that only religious people have morals etc you just have to look at some other animal species...they live in a moral society
I'd say with most of the wars, hate, terrorism etc going on that it's a pretty scary place with religion

This vid is worth watching just for the two baby chimps about 4.30 mins in:)
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I know in reality with that much freshwater changing the seas salinity that whales wouldn't have survived if for no other reason that their massive food intake needs wouldn't have been met...but lets just pretend they could.... wouldn't it be cute to see the little boat with...well 2 of each...x 79 158 whales cruising along behind
That's what I was thinking too. Just a wonderful image with Noah sitting at the front steering his precious cargo to safety. Thank you for that!
Topic after topic gets twisted for the same agenda -- bashing religion and those who are fortunate enough to have that as part of their lives.
I can't say that I have seen 'topic after topic" getting "twisted" that way... any discussion of religion can go a bit awry - from all directions. Good thing we have freedom of religion (of any kind/belief or lack thereof )... and all opinions/concerns can be shared and discussed as opposed to being summarily dismissed.
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