IPOD Question...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2006
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Hubby is a Truck Driver and wants me to pick up an IPOD for him so he can download podcasts.

I have no clue what any of that means and don't always have faith in what a salesperson tells me - so what would be the best one for what he wants???

IPOD brand is expensive, that I do know. I bought a Zen 8gig and have loaded a bunch of cds to it. It also allows for movie downloads so you can watch. I am going to try that for my flight to Dallas for the AMHA meeting next month.

Now, for me, the reason I bought it, was my new car has an IPOD port. Bad news, I guess the port is proprietary and my Zen won't hook to it, but I can buy an FM transmitter and voila, I am in business. This way, I don't have to carry loads of CDs in my car. Now, I just have to figure out how to keep those darn earbuds in place.

Oh, it can play podcasts and only cost $130. MUCH cheaper than a similar IPOD.

I am a super newbie to MP3 players, but as an owner of one whole week, I am happy.

I am sure there are others that know way more than me.
I was talking to my brother about Ipods and the other Mp3 players just recently.

IPod is expensive. But it's also one of THE BEST, hands down.

The problem is that some players will only play certain file formats from THEIR download services, no others. Some will play a handful of formats, and not others. It's a real pain if you want a good solid all-around thing. Since I mostly have mp3's, I'll end up with an IPod if I ever get one.

NOW an IPod shuffle you wouldn't want- it merely shuffles randomly through the songs loaded on it. No way to pick or choose- and I don't even know if it can do videos or podcasts.

The regular Ipods can do videos, podcasts, music, and even act as a sort of extra storage for files and the like from your computer.
I've been looking into Mp3 players lately also. I want one mainly to take in my vehicle with me and to be able to take it with me in my work vehicle, without having to listen using headphones. Is there a way to listen to Mp3 players though the car radio?
Depends on the maker, the Zen has an FM transmitter so you can play your MP3s through the radio.
I've had a couple different ones. I've found the ipod easier to use and accessories are more readily available than other brands. There are different types available...the one I have now I currently has 15 movies on it, 1,500 songs and about 800 pictures with plenty more of memory still available, it was $300. It is very user friendly.

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