I had a gal come by today and tell me about a mini for auction nearby. They are having a rodeo and they are raffling off a miniature horse stallion to raise money for the families of Iraqi soldiers. Here's some of my frustrations. She tells me how adorable this 3 MONTH old already weaned and being sold foal is. Then she notices my filly and asks how old she was. I said she was 4 months. She couldn't hardly believe it. This foal for sale was only a month younger but he wasn't even half the size of my filly. So now I worry it could be a dwarf they are selling and it is a stalilion of course. I realize it could just be a very small one and the drawing was tonight so I'll probably never know, but I worry. The girl told me she had bought two tickets, but then proceeded to tell me how awful her last experience was with a mini. She bought a stud from a friend for $20 (that should have told her something) because the owner was afraid of him. This gal said he would come at you teeth barred so she finally just "dumped" him at an auction. Then she sees one of my other horses who is only 31.50" and she comments that he's awfully big to be a miniature and was he still allowed to be called one
The sad part is this is for the most part a nice girl and as misinformed as she is, think about the people who really don't even try to care. All I can say is I hope a good person finds it's way to owning that little mini. Thanks for letting me vent, it's so much better than using a brick wall to do the trick