Ideas needed to convert two horse trailer

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Aug 23, 2015
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New England
Need some ideas one how to fit two minis and my welsh pony into a two horse trailer. The trailer is a CM brand two horse with no dressing room. Standard size. The welsh needs one side to himself. The minis, um, well...are not friends ? so they need a divider.

There is room across the front of the trailer that would fit the smaller one and divider in front of Peanut would keep them "polite".

Or I could make boxes attached to the floor somehow and have one in front of the other. But how???

I will have locks installed on the OUTSIDE of the escape doors so the can't reach the inside handles and accidentally open the doors. I was thinking hasp locks with snaps.

Has anyone configured a trailer like this? Any ideas would be helpful.

I need to know I can move all three at once if I have to.

I'd love to find a used stock trailer to trade for but they are scarce around here. And I'd still have to separate the two rivals.

Can't help you with that but you would be suprised when horses that hate each other change their minds when in a different environment. We have two mares that hated each other. The one would go out of her way to kick the other. When we moved from AZ to MO, the two mares had to be in the same section and put together in pens for layovers. They never attacked each other. They actually became friendly to each other. Still not the best of friends but they tolerate each other now.
Can't help you with that but you would be suprised when horses that hate each other change their minds when in a different environment. We have two mares that hated each other. The one would go out of her way to kick the other. When we moved from AZ to MO, the two mares had to be in the same section and put together in pens for layovers. They never attacked each other. They actually became friendly to each other. Still not the best of friends but they tolerate each other now.
Good to know your girls straightened out their differences. Maybe there is hope for my two.It would make life SO much easier if mine would get along...sometimes I feel like world politics are playing out in my barn.

In a true emergency I'd just stuff them in the trailer and go and they would have to sort it out for themselves, but I'm trying to prevent WWIII from breaking out if I decide to haul them all to a show or something,LOL.
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Since they would only be familiar with each other and be surrounded by stramge horses, they may look to each other for comfort.

Our one mare is very protective of her herd when new horses are introduced. We have two other mares she hated but with new horses she is protective of them. She gets between them and other horse. Does the same thing with my Paint stallion and he has been around them for most of his life and hes 8. She doesnt like him showing interest in any mares. He starts talking and she races over and gets between them. He is pastured in a separate pen so dont worry about that. They sometimes share a fenceline. She only does this when shes pregnant.
I put our three [ two B mini's, and a small pony] in our two horse trailer without the divider. the trailer is sized just right that they just fit side by side. Our's get along well, But if they didn't a 1/2" plywood divider would keep everyone's feet in there own area. We only trailer short distances though. If I were going any distance Id probably put well anchored dividers in so that they could lean on them to rest. Good Luck DR
Many years ago I had an older 2 horse (straight load). I took out the middle divider and then put in dividers made out of hinges and plywood so that they would slant load. Was able to haul 4 minis easily.
We have a two horse straight load and we've added a hinged gate in one side so we can divide it into a front and back space. We just load one in first, shut the gate, load the other. Then we can still use it for larger horses with the gate open. Be careful if you take out the center divider and be sure you still leave plenty of support for the centerline of the trailer. A lot of times there are strength supports welded down from the ceiling to the center divider. It's not a big deal unless you are in an accident. But then it can be a really big deal. You can ask a welder if you aren't sure. Also, if you have "man doors" in the front like we do you can load and unload the front horse without disturbing the back horse if need be. Post a few pics of your trailer and maybe we could help better.
I converted a 1995 2 horse trail et into a 3 mini horse slant, it has no dressing room. If you go to my website in my signature, I have a blog post of the conversion we did.
Thanks guys! You have given me a lot to think about. I won't be taking out the center Post as I worry about the structural aspect and I think I can fit the two minis on one side and the Welsh on the other. I had an appointment with the welder we have used before, to discuss options, but my hubby was sick so I had to cancel it. Im not too sure I have enough room to make a slant load as the welsh pony is 12.2 and likes his ride "roomy" (he is opinionated in all things). I have also been looking around for a larger used trailer, but I'm having not much luck.
Many years ago I had an older 2 horse (straight load). I took out the middle divider and then put in dividers made out of hinges and plywood so that they would slant load. Was able to haul 4 minis easily.
Could you share photos please? I am converting a 2 horse slant load trailer for one mini and a cart. TY!

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