I bought this filly as a weanling and she is now 2 1/2 years old. It has been a battle since a few weeks after she arrived. The vet has ran all kinds of blood test..including checking her kidneys, liver, etc. It all checked out fine. This filly has never been able to gain weight and her legs are horrible. I keep thinking maybe with the proper hoof trimming, beet pulp, corn oil, etc...would help and this filly would eventually outgrow it. At 2 1/2 years old I don't think she is.
She has a nice head and perfect teeth.
I have thougth from the beginning that she is a minimal dwarf...but, I have never heard of a dwarf that has trouble keeping on weight...I always thought they gained weight.
Anyway, do you think she is a dwarf?...If not, what do I do to make her gain weight and help her legs?....Do you know what else could be wrong if she is not a dwarf.
This has been driving me crazy for a long time...so, please I would appreciate any help.
I paid a fortune for this filly as a weanling...should I just cut my losses and sell her as a pet?..or do you think there is help for her?...I would like to know everyones oppinion
She has a nice head and perfect teeth.
I have thougth from the beginning that she is a minimal dwarf...but, I have never heard of a dwarf that has trouble keeping on weight...I always thought they gained weight.
Anyway, do you think she is a dwarf?...If not, what do I do to make her gain weight and help her legs?....Do you know what else could be wrong if she is not a dwarf.
This has been driving me crazy for a long time...so, please I would appreciate any help.
I paid a fortune for this filly as a weanling...should I just cut my losses and sell her as a pet?..or do you think there is help for her?...I would like to know everyones oppinion