I have not heard any of you Minn People and what your thoughts are about this A Vampire running for

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"The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected."

-- Will Rogers

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

"The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'." -- Larry Hardiman
I read the first couple of sentences then I X'd out of that page immediately.

This is nothing but trash. Garbage. Disgusting.
Ho boy hope some Pagans Wiccans and Witches weigh in on this. Never known a single one that would condone this crap. It's absolutely ABSURD!!!!
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I didn't go read it but going by what was written in the post, I am surpirsed at people that make fun of the Governator! LOL All things considered, he is doing a better job than our last few jokes. By all things I simply mean he had no previous experience in politics.
I didn't go read it but going by what was written in the post, I am surprised at people that make fun of the Governator! LOL All things considered, he is doing a better job than our last few jokes. By all things I simply mean he had no previous experience in politics.
Yes and even Jesse (The Body) Ventura was mayor first of Brooklyn Park before being the Gov.. I know He was a Navy Seal before going in the wrestling arena.
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Vampires, Witches, Pagans, Wi cans, Satanists, Demons and Other

Witches, Pagans and Wiccans have NOTHING to do with the other things.
I seriously doubt we have to worry about this guy getting in office, if there is one thing American government does not do its punish the guilty!!

This man is a fool, a tick, he has choosen darnation.

For those that dont know the history of

Vlad Dracula He was a Romanian Prince of the 14oo's, he had a sad childhood and a sad life. He lost his Mother to fever, His father to assacination, his wife to madness and was killed by his own bother. he suffered from a skin disease much like lupus, exposure to the sun was painful and deadly.

Since his death people have twisted his tale into weirdness.

On the other hand, should this guy actually get into office, I am sure we Christains would be the ones suffering impalement!!
LMAO this guy has no clue does he? or wait i'm sorry "Lord Ares" has no clue. ok so he claims to be everything taboo, everything people don't know that much about. I did a project on Wicca last year for school, Wicca worships both a god, and a goddess, and strongly belives in the idea if Krama, only they call it the rule of three if i remember it right.

I can't say much for the other stuff, but i know they conflict with each other alot. like he claims to be witch as well, although i'm not sure what kind he claims to be, but if he is Wiccan, then he canot be a witch. Wicca uses the natural earth to conduct some healing spells, nothing dark at all, but witchs they are opposite of that.

Besides not having a clue about "the darker ways" of life, this guy *giggles" I mean Lord Ares just might have a point. If he had growen up being like this his whole life then he could have gotton denied jobs, made fun of, and many other things when he was younger. his website says

In 2006, not only will I be fighting to become Governor of Minnesota, I will be also fighting for the rights and liberties of

all those I will represent upon being elected
So he might be trying to put a big push on human rights so the things that theorcialy could have happened to him, or people like him don't have to go threw that any more.
and in closing i would like to say that as far as what i know about him, he needs to calm down. The workd does not hate him. He takes the term Emotional Goth to a whole new level. and just so you know, This guy right here is what makes people who DO partice these types of things, and who DO live like this, and people who ARE gothic look bad. the truth is acuall Wiccans and pegians, and even the more people like "vamps" and witchs are the most calm, friendly people you will meet. and i suggest that if you have any doubts that they are not then go meet some. where i am from there is a Wiccan temple that is open to the public in Toronto, and many others all around the world. This man is putting the wrong idea out there for every one, but more importaly young people who are interested in possibly becoming a Wiccan or Piegan or a vamp. When young people hear things like this they just take the easy way and are cocky about it too. I will stop now because i can see i'm dragging on already. But i know alot about "goth" and in that i also know about some but little about the darker religions, witchs, and vamps....i'm dragging on again well ya that is that.
Wiccans and pagans, and even the more people like "vamps" and witch's are the most calm, friendly people you will meet
So very true I have heard many an interview with these people on the Late night Talk Radio Show Called Coast to Coast AM. Yes very nice people at least that is what they come across the radio waves anyways.
I read his Presidential Platform....


He said that his wife would be called the queen. We dont have royalty for a reason. Monarchs are often given too much power.

I wouldnt vote for him.

Well I did read the website but from what I've seen about it he's an idiot. A witch(also known as someone that practises wicca) would NEVER condone satanism or anything like that. Ayyye some people really need to learn their facts before they try running for Gov.
OK, I can't seem to take this guy seriously, so let's do something fun instead.

If he were a miniature horse breeder, what would be some of the names of his horses?
:new_shocked: :saludando: Being a Witch [blessed Sabbat] I don't consider most of those folk my kin. Nor do I consider myself a pratical joke.

One that will not use the electric chair for Capital Punishment But will Impale them at the stake in fromt of the capital steps~! no this is not a joke at all Here is the guys web page who not only is a vampire but is a member of Vampires, Witches, Pagans, Wi cans, Satanists, Demons and Other


LMAO this guy has no clue does he? or wait i'm sorry "Lord Ares" has no clue. ok so he claims to be everything taboo, everything people don't know that much about. I did a project on Wicca last year for school, Wicca worships both a god, and a goddess, and strongly belives in the idea if Krama, only they call it the rule of three if i remember it right.

I can't say much for the other stuff, but i know they conflict with each other alot. like he claims to be witch as well, although i'm not sure what kind he claims to be, but if he is Wiccan, then he canot be a witch. Wicca uses the natural earth to conduct some healing spells, nothing dark at all, but witchs they are opposite of that. :new_shocked: :no: Sorry but you need more research, I'm a herditary Witch meaning I was brought into it by my family [my great grandmother] but she was a herbalest, but not of the dark arts. You should know that all witches are pagan but not all pagans are witches.
: Wicca is one of several nature religions. I could go on forever but you really should do more research.

Besides not having a clue about "the darker ways" of life, this guy *giggles" I mean Lord Ares just might have a point. If he had growen up being like this his whole life then he could have gotton denied jobs, made fun of, and many other things when he was younger. his website says

In 2006, not only will I be fighting to become Governor of Minnesota, I will be also fighting for the rights and liberties of

all those I will represent upon being elected
So he might be trying to put a big push on human rights so the things that theorcialy could have happened to him, or people like him don't have to go threw that any more.
and in closing i would like to say that as far as what i know about him, he needs to calm down. The workd does not hate him. He takes the term Emotional Goth to a whole new level. and just so you know, This guy right here is what makes people who DO partice these types of things, and who DO live like this, and people who ARE gothic look bad. the truth is acuall Wiccans and pegians, and even the more people like "vamps" and witchs are the most calm, friendly people you will meet. and i suggest that if you have any doubts that they are not then go meet some. where i am from there is a Wiccan temple that is open to the public in Toronto, and many others all around the world. This man is putting the wrong idea out there for every one, but more importaly young people who are interested in possibly becoming a Wiccan or Piegan or a vamp. When young people hear things like this they just take the easy way and are cocky about it too. I will stop now because i can see i'm dragging on already. But i know alot about "goth" and in that i also know about some but little about the darker religions, witchs, and vamps....i'm dragging on again well ya that is that.
OK, I can't seem to take this guy seriously, so let's do something fun instead.

If he were a miniature horse breeder, what would be some of the names of his horses?
*snickers* i might have to much fun with this :lol: he would have a pure white or as close to pure white horse named "Lord Ares' Blackest Blackend deep Black" some others might include:

"Lord Ares' buckaroo is gothic too"

"Lord Ares' blood red romance"

"Lord Ares' The Crow" (no offence i love the movie my self :bgrin )

and of course last but not lease "Lord Ares' THE IMPALER!!!"

...ok that was rude was it not...yes it was rude but i'm still laughing :lol:
He got about 2 seconds of tv news coverage here - and that was only because his girlfriend was terminated from her job driving bus for one of the school districts. Apparently the school districts contract with the bus company had some kind of lifestyle clause and when she was reported to be his "blood doner" the school district requested she be removed.

So in MN he's known as the idiot who claimed he sucked his girlfriends blood and she lost her job because of it!

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