Well-Known Member
Okay i have been trying to train Coco for all this stuff and fix all his problems that he has with behavior. This one is really starting to bug me. All the punishments are making me feel evil and i dont want him to think that i hate him or make him hate me. I cant even go to sleep at night without going out to give him a kiss and tell him goodnight.
Problem #1 part A
Coco can not come out of his stall without dragging me around the barn for 5 minutes before we make it outside. He drives me crazy ...i've tried allot of stuff. I grab him about 5 inches away from the halter and try dragging him but he turns and it takes about 5 minutes to get him out of the barn. When he turns i smack his Butt and thats part of why i feel evil and sometimes if he is pulling to hard i know i cant give in and let him drag me so we end up with is butt toward me and pulling away from me and im scared its going to hurt his kneck but i was told i cant give in.
prob #1 part B
Going into his stall is as hard as getting him out of it correctly. He has to be dragged into it. He isnt in there much exept at night and when he eats (other then grass). I want to train him to do without me having to pull a muscle.
Getting him back to the barn is hard to. I usually take him for a walk at night/walk and trot him for a while (which we do in my yard where its gras *everwhere around here is grass so i cant find someplace else. If i do it on the driveway he either wants to role or drag me to the grass). But back on topic ...it takes a long time to get him back to the barn bc he stops and puts his butt to me and eats and all the way back we stop every 3 steps.
I REALLY need help. I have no idea ..i thought mine would work fine but its not working at all. I dont want to hurt him and i dont want him to hate me but its time for his to learn some respect and then after that he can love me all he wants. But i do need help. FAST bc im loosing my mind and im sure he isnt loving this either.
Also i think it might just be our barn. Dad built me my own 'pony barn' in like 2 days. He took the roof off our old garage that burnt down and put it on some boards and put sides on it. Its only about 15feet-15feet. Im going to make him Build me a actual barn sometimes soon bc im in desperate need of a new horse barn. Im going to start drawing out the plans ASAP.
Problem #1 part A
Coco can not come out of his stall without dragging me around the barn for 5 minutes before we make it outside. He drives me crazy ...i've tried allot of stuff. I grab him about 5 inches away from the halter and try dragging him but he turns and it takes about 5 minutes to get him out of the barn. When he turns i smack his Butt and thats part of why i feel evil and sometimes if he is pulling to hard i know i cant give in and let him drag me so we end up with is butt toward me and pulling away from me and im scared its going to hurt his kneck but i was told i cant give in.
prob #1 part B
Going into his stall is as hard as getting him out of it correctly. He has to be dragged into it. He isnt in there much exept at night and when he eats (other then grass). I want to train him to do without me having to pull a muscle.
Getting him back to the barn is hard to. I usually take him for a walk at night/walk and trot him for a while (which we do in my yard where its gras *everwhere around here is grass so i cant find someplace else. If i do it on the driveway he either wants to role or drag me to the grass). But back on topic ...it takes a long time to get him back to the barn bc he stops and puts his butt to me and eats and all the way back we stop every 3 steps.
I REALLY need help. I have no idea ..i thought mine would work fine but its not working at all. I dont want to hurt him and i dont want him to hate me but its time for his to learn some respect and then after that he can love me all he wants. But i do need help. FAST bc im loosing my mind and im sure he isnt loving this either.
Also i think it might just be our barn. Dad built me my own 'pony barn' in like 2 days. He took the roof off our old garage that burnt down and put it on some boards and put sides on it. Its only about 15feet-15feet. Im going to make him Build me a actual barn sometimes soon bc im in desperate need of a new horse barn. Im going to start drawing out the plans ASAP.