HOw do you get glass out your hand?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I had a rather not so nice but minor thankfully accident at work today.

I was going to put the sash in the window and it wouldnt go. SO did what I normally do. Well I must of hit a weak spot in the glass and my hand went right through it. I have only very minor cuts on the outside of my hand but I do have small glass peices there and else where.

I was lucky that when it shattered I turned my face away, but did mangae to find some glass in my ear.

Any ideas of what I could flush the skin with to the any excess tiny peices out?
Yikes Ashley!
You could have been hurt a lot worse! I think you should go to the Dr. to make sure it all gets out. You don't want any slivers to work their way deeper if they're not found. You could end up with nerve damage.

One thought is to coat the hand with super glue (if there is not open wounds) let it set and peel it off, to remove any small pieces. BUT I think your best bet is to see a Dr!

Take care of yourself!
Its just the side of my hand by my pinky. It cut in alittle but I think that might have been more so from me brushing it off so I could get back to work.
OK I am going to say go to the doctor IF you think there is glass still in there........the reason why is glass tends to be clean and often does not fester and come back out but can continue to migrate...this is for real folks...I have had two friends require minor surgery to remove glass particles months later and nowhere near where they went in........

1) stepped on glass thought she got it out 2 months later knee pain guess what the doctors found a little piece of glass in the deep tissues of the knee

2) glass on hand a few months later they were retrieving a piece of glass from near the elbow........
That is what my meaning was too runamuk.
It's nothing to mess with.

When I was in H.S. and doing stained glass, I was too dumb to wear the goggles and I still have glass chips behind my eyes or where ever they went.

<---at me back then
Well my work requires you to ware safty glasses. GOod thing to as the sash was a bit above eye level so when it shattered it came down on me. FIrst thing I did was close my eyes and turn away.
If you are sure there is glass in there it is going to require a trip to the vet. Glass in you hand hurts alot more when it starts to fester us and grow out. Go see you doctor. Its a workmans comp thing so at least it will not be an expense for you.
If you are sure there is glass in there it is going to require a trip to the vet.


I dont really wanna get involved. By work rules I should of went down to first aid. However that would of required a drug test(not a big deal can pass with flying colors) and 3 days unpaid time of to wait the drug test results and as kind a punishment, even thou its a accident.
make a paste of salt and egg puton the glass and let it dry .I should pull up the glass then wash it away. Has worked for me many times.
well I dont think* there is any glass in my hand as it dont hurt. HOwever yesterday I did dig a peice of glass out of my finger.

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