If they are that jumpy you need to teach them that the rope and yo are really really nice. Do everything as said then instead of attempting to get the rope on the mule, put it on the floor and put food in the middle. Let them eat it and go away. If they stay, scratch rub, play, pretend to put the rope on without a rope- make all the movements. If possible pick up the rope, your book and the chair whilst they are still interested in you and walk away from them. Once you have reached the point where
you can walk away from
them you have got them hooked.!! when you can stand beside them at the withers facing forward and scratching,
that is when you drape the rope over their withers. If they do not react move it up the neck- now, you will have already done all this without the rope, remember?? Once the Mule accepts this (NO attempt to catch or hold!!) try leading it without a halter- juts make the motions of putting the rope on, then pick up the imaginary lead, cluck and say "walk on" Mules have a sense of humour- it works with horses but a Mule will or it won't!! If it does, then make a huge fuss and feed it. If this does not work, go back to working on getting the rope on. You will have to decide at what point you are going to actually close the rope and lead the Mule- I would not attempt a halter for a while, if they have been roped they should lead form a rope round the neck. The timing is down to you because you are there and know them, some will do it immediately some will need time to think about it. can you split them up?? Even in adjacent pens, just for a while, and work with them separately ?? This would be a huge help. Keep us updated, you will get there!!