It makes me wonder if people really do not know what to look for in a horse. It also seems to me that if you bring them to a sale all fitted for the show ring, people seem almost afraid to bid on them-- a lot of people have not seen horses groomed for show I think.What a beautiful presentation they made-- quite a nice advertisement for our breed.
Also there was a small dwarf put through the sale --they sold him as a PINTO STALLION -- registered AMHR. $275.00. I was very disappointed to see this happen.
Another mare with a filly on her side with badly twisted legs -- sold as a possible 3 in 1 one package. Would anyone actually plan to breed this poor little thing? it was quite pathetic,really made me sad to see .
Does this happen often at sales? I had never seen anything this terrible before.
I was quite sure that AMHR does not register dwarfs --??