HOrse allergies

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Anybody allergic to horses? Im starting to wonder if Im not mildly allergic to them. Ever time I clip this year, or do much grooming on them my nose starts pooring and my throat gets sore. THen the next day I can barly talk. I am really hopeing its not an allergy but wouldnt suprise me as my mom is allergic to everything under the sun.
I have an allergy to hay and it seems maybe something else in the barn ( no hay right now) figures huh? LOL not gonna stop us though is it?
That sure sounds like an allergy to me. Try using one of those masks doctors use. That might really help.

Funny thing about allergies, you can suddenly get them, but they can also suddenly go away. So, it MIGHT not go away, but then on the other hand it might!
I am having probs with my allergies with the mold. The mold index around here is really high.
I'm allergic to horses hair, Dogs, Cats and Hay. So.....what do I do?? I breed horses am about to get another dog and I rehome cats in my spare time!!! Ashley, seriously wear a mask- you can get them from an agricultural store with replaceable filters, you could damage your lungs. Also I would advise wearing goggles to clip as well.
Ashley....I hate to say it but it sounds like you are allergic.... I tested for allergies a little over 3 years ago, the only 2 things I didn't test positive with a reaction to were cows & cockroaches..... so, everything else, mold, dust, horses, cat, dogs, hay, grass, trees, get the picture..... anyway I am allergic to just about everything..... one of the things I have found help is 1, if you are clipping, brushing, etc....wear long sleeves (if not too hot)......and a mask is a very, very good idea...and if you don't have a mask, make one with a bandana......also very important, don't rub your face or eyes if you are grooming the can start the eyes itching, etc, etc.... I take 3 diff meds daily & I get 2 shots every other week ...and I know it sounds like a lot of effort & work, but just after 2 1/2 years I feel 100% better already, yes I have another 2 years of shots, but those will go down to 1 a month.....and eventually no more shots & no more allergies...yea...(yes, there will be much celebrating when that day arrives)..... One of the OTC drugs you can get is one that's a once a day pill, it's the same active ingredient that is in Claritin ....non-drowsy and it's once a day pill..... I would also advise talking to a Dr. not everyone can take the same type of meds...and it varies with what you are allergic too...... I wish you the best, and keep me posted...... I am becoming a pro with the allergies, so give me a holler if you ever need any advice in the allergy dept..... I totally empathize with you, I have been there done that & have the they say!!
Well I do know I am allergic to mold and have a very hard time with that.

My mom like I said is allergic to everything. All pets(even my hedgys bother her), most things out side, dust, mold, hay. SHe counts the hay as we stack it, but she is very very far away and most of the time not accurate as she is so far away.

She gets 2 shots every 3-4 weeks and takes OTC medicine. SHe also has asthma so she has a inhaler for when things get really bad.
I have never had medical problems, had allergies or anything until we got a load of moldy hay a year ago. I would stick my face in every flake to smell it then fluff it up on the ground to check for mold. Needless to day I soon became allergic & would break out in dime size hives every time I fed hay. Sometimes all I had to do was walk into the barn..............I think that opened the door for other problems as sometimes when I groomed my horses I would also get hives.........That hay was thrown away & I have been hive free for a few months now.

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