Ashley....I hate to say it but it sounds like you are allergic.... I tested for allergies a little over 3 years ago, the only 2 things I didn't test positive with a reaction to were cows & cockroaches..... so, everything else, mold, dust, horses, cat, dogs, hay, grass, trees, get the picture..... anyway I am allergic to just about everything..... one of the things I have found help is 1, if you are clipping, brushing, etc....wear long sleeves (if not too hot)......and a mask is a very, very good idea...and if you don't have a mask, make one with a bandana......also very important, don't rub your face or eyes if you are grooming the can start the eyes itching, etc, etc.... I take 3 diff meds daily & I get 2 shots every other week ...and I know it sounds like a lot of effort & work, but just after 2 1/2 years I feel 100% better already, yes I have another 2 years of shots, but those will go down to 1 a month.....and eventually no more shots & no more allergies...yea...(yes, there will be much celebrating when that day arrives)..... One of the OTC drugs you can get is one that's a once a day pill, it's the same active ingredient that is in Claritin ....non-drowsy and it's once a day pill..... I would also advise talking to a Dr. not everyone can take the same type of meds...and it varies with what you are allergic too...... I wish you the best, and keep me posted...... I am becoming a pro with the allergies, so give me a holler if you ever need any advice in the allergy dept..... I totally empathize with you, I have been there done that & have the they say!!