Hi, My name is Tanya and I have been lurking a reading posts for a few weeks. I am getting my a little mini in about two weeks, We are also getting one for our 13 year old daughter. I am not new to horses, I rode an awful lot as a teenager and then at 23 I had a bad fall and broke my coxix bone ( in other words my butt) and lost all my confidence around horses. I want to ride a "big" horse again and feel more ready but thought we'd start out small and get reacquainted with horses by getting two sweet little mini girls.
A little more about our girls.
My little girl is my All time favourite colour. - dapple grey
she is two and has been lightly shown and did quite well. We looked at about 15 ponies in one day - driving all over the country side and this little girl was at the last place we went too. As soon as I saw her I knew she was my soul pony
I really can't wait to get her. We will be driving down to pick them up in about 2 1/2 weeks. They are only and hour and a half drive from here and the waiting is killing me. GRRRRRR Her name is currently Nara but I am not in love with this name and have decided to call her Sugar
Second little girl is a palomino yearling filly named Elle. She definitely picked us. She followed my daughters around and everytime they paused she gently put her head under their arm and just stood there. (this is in a paddock with about 10 little minis). It was like she was saying "this is my kid and I will be going home with them," She is not registered and we were told she was not good enough to show (we don't want to show and she is just the sweetest little girl).
We are also looking at maybe getting a third one for my other two daughters (who are 9 and 5). Ultimately they are all my responsibility obviously. We live in sunny Queensland, Australia and bought our house and land (8 acres) last year and I have wanted to add horses to our family for a while. We also have a dairy steer we saved from 'getting knocked on the head' as a newborn calf and bottle fed him. His name is Stanley Freedom not for Eaten' Buckle. He has a huge paddock out the back (about 6 acres) and I have a smaller paddock out the side for the new girls
. I am also building a third paddock so I have two for the little guys.
We also have a Maremma (sheep guardian dog) who is 10, 2 border collies (who are 1 ans 2) and a golden retriever (18 months). Our house is full with 5 kids and I am one busy Mumma but wouldn't have my kids growing up any other way. Anyway - that's me, hope to learn heaps from you ladies. All your minis are just Gorgeous !!!! Our minis will be spoilt rotten with love and attention. We are also toying with the idea of getting into going a little agility with them. They lady we are buying them from shows her minis and her daughter does agility with some of them and WOW it looks like a lot of fun
My Husband was going to build an agility course in the back paddock for the border collies and now I'm thinking he could modify if just a little to suit both. Just an idea at the moment we have a LOT of research to do
A little more about our girls.
My little girl is my All time favourite colour. - dapple grey

Second little girl is a palomino yearling filly named Elle. She definitely picked us. She followed my daughters around and everytime they paused she gently put her head under their arm and just stood there. (this is in a paddock with about 10 little minis). It was like she was saying "this is my kid and I will be going home with them," She is not registered and we were told she was not good enough to show (we don't want to show and she is just the sweetest little girl).
We are also looking at maybe getting a third one for my other two daughters (who are 9 and 5). Ultimately they are all my responsibility obviously. We live in sunny Queensland, Australia and bought our house and land (8 acres) last year and I have wanted to add horses to our family for a while. We also have a dairy steer we saved from 'getting knocked on the head' as a newborn calf and bottle fed him. His name is Stanley Freedom not for Eaten' Buckle. He has a huge paddock out the back (about 6 acres) and I have a smaller paddock out the side for the new girls

We also have a Maremma (sheep guardian dog) who is 10, 2 border collies (who are 1 ans 2) and a golden retriever (18 months). Our house is full with 5 kids and I am one busy Mumma but wouldn't have my kids growing up any other way. Anyway - that's me, hope to learn heaps from you ladies. All your minis are just Gorgeous !!!! Our minis will be spoilt rotten with love and attention. We are also toying with the idea of getting into going a little agility with them. They lady we are buying them from shows her minis and her daughter does agility with some of them and WOW it looks like a lot of fun