Well-Known Member
Our youngest baby, 16 day old Trehernes Cherokee Rose, who was born perfectly healthy and normal, suddenly started dragging a back leg the night before last, and now is dragging both hind legs. She appears to be partially paralysed. (the pic below was taken before this happened)
She can still walk and even run to keep up with mum, but her back legs kind of just hop along as she goes, and though she can put weight on her legs, she drags them using her front legs to move.
The vet has ruled out a break anywhere, and says it is good that she is still able to swish her tail and feels pain in her hind quarters.(objects to needles!)
In flexing her legs, the hips move well, but the stifle area in both legs is extremely stiff. He doesn't think it is stifle lock though, because he can bend her legs further than he should be able to if that were the cause.
She does not appear to be in pain at all, and is quite able to keep up with mum and nurse, so for now he has given her steroids and left me with some other medication to give her over the weekend, and will see if there is any improvement by Monday. If not he says he will talk to the Veterinary clinic at Guelph, as he is baffled also.
I just wondered if anyone has ever had anything like this in a foal, and if so, did it get better? Could it be a pinched nerve, or could one of the other horses have stepped on her? There are no marks or other apparent injuries.
We were relieved that it does not seem to be a break anywhere, but wish we knew what we are dealing with.
Any thoughts appreciated, I have to work over the weekend so if I don't respond right away, this is why.
Thanks, Rebecca

She can still walk and even run to keep up with mum, but her back legs kind of just hop along as she goes, and though she can put weight on her legs, she drags them using her front legs to move.
The vet has ruled out a break anywhere, and says it is good that she is still able to swish her tail and feels pain in her hind quarters.(objects to needles!)
In flexing her legs, the hips move well, but the stifle area in both legs is extremely stiff. He doesn't think it is stifle lock though, because he can bend her legs further than he should be able to if that were the cause.
She does not appear to be in pain at all, and is quite able to keep up with mum and nurse, so for now he has given her steroids and left me with some other medication to give her over the weekend, and will see if there is any improvement by Monday. If not he says he will talk to the Veterinary clinic at Guelph, as he is baffled also.
I just wondered if anyone has ever had anything like this in a foal, and if so, did it get better? Could it be a pinched nerve, or could one of the other horses have stepped on her? There are no marks or other apparent injuries.
We were relieved that it does not seem to be a break anywhere, but wish we knew what we are dealing with.
Any thoughts appreciated, I have to work over the weekend so if I don't respond right away, this is why.
Thanks, Rebecca