home safe
New Member
My husband and I just got 2 mini's from Lancaster County. Even though we bought them to me it was a rescue. The farm had them for sale and has a lot of miniature horses there. Waited 1 1/2 months to bring them home. Had to get the mini barn and all the tack/stable supplies. We knew getting them that they had not been dewormed and had no shots because they weren't a year yet. Both mom's lived there. They had April and May being their birthdays. Fast forward to today. Both boys have adjusted to their new home here. Found a large animal veterinarian who is really great and so down to earth. She gave the boys the 1st half of their shots and will be back to give them the second half in 1 month. Sammy is a year old White Knight is not. We thought he would be due to his birthday date. He doesn't have his adult teeth in yet. They are starting to come in. She said he is around 7-8 months. The farrier came today. Sammy's hoofs were really bad, White Knights were good. He did a good job on both. I am glad we did this. it is a learning experience for us since we have never had horses. We love them !!!! Their personalities are really starting to come out. They will be getting gelded next month. They walk pretty good on their leads. We will keep training them.