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user 44366

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2012
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I am the "Patty", of Patty's Pony Place. My hubby and I co-own and operate the business, and have since 2011. We are industry leaders in the miniature horse world, specializing in well designed, safe, and comfortable carts for both horse and driver. I make custom harness - both full driving harness, and have taken the skijoring world to heights even I could not have seen coming, with the development of my skijoring harness, and shaft system. Innovation in cart suspension design is where my husband shines, along with things like our bolt on suspension kits, our shaft upgrade for steel EE carts, our winter fun shaft sets for sledding, and our adjustable footman's loops for EE carts that have them in the wrong place! I will post some links over the next while on as many things as I can to share our knowledge and expertise on all aspects of harness and carts - fit, and function, and why things are done the way they are done. This is myself, and my Tonka (AKA Supertonk!) in our neon pink cart!

Tonk pink lawn Kelly No water.jpg

This is my husband, Kelly, skijoring with Tonka. This image was shared around the globe when one of Tonka's skijoring videos went viral on Facebook - view count as I type, is over 2.5 million!! We have had over 3 million total views since we started posting videos on FB featuring skijoring! I personally cannot ski to save my life, but LOTS of people can!

ST Kelly ski 1.jpg
Welcome Patty! I am excited to see you on here as I have seen you both on Facebook and Youtube ❤
Thank you. Extremely busy with all aspects of business, but really do hope to post as much educational data as I can. My data has been used and shared a LOT on FB - but I see it needs to be shared on this forum as well!

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