Having trouble

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I personally feel really out of sorts and sort of... I don't even know how to discribe it. But I had dinner with my mom and was just overwhelemed at the thoughts of all those that do not have food right now. I look around our house and see all of our things and wonder what it would be like to have them all washed away. I am trying to go on with my life, but i feel so depressed and helpless. Little things seem like HUGE decisons because I am so emotional.
RebelsHope said:
I personally feel really out of sorts and sort of... I don't even know how to discribe it. But I had dinner with my mom and was just overwhelemed at the thoughts of all those that do not have food right now. I look around our house and see all of our things and wonder what it would be like to have them all washed away. I am trying to go on with my life, but i feel so depressed and helpless. Little things seem like HUGE decisons because I am so emotional.

Exactly how I am feeling - except throw a migraine on top of it
- I describe it as being in a fog...I went to get gas yesterday and couldn't get the pump to work...I forgot to pull up the lever on the pump
I know that man thought I was on drugs or something
I just couldn't bring myself to go up to our cabin this weekend - it seemed so selfish to use the gas to have a fun weekend away with so much suffering going on down south....

Thanks for the post I am glad I am not alone.
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Oh, wow.... me, too. I thought it was just PMS.... but now that you described all that, I'm in, too...

Went hysterical when I read about that poor dog.... when I saw that poor man describing how his wife let go of him, and he never saw her again... almost freaked out on my boss yesterday, "just because"...

I accidently flipped one of my weanling fillies trying to get a thorn out of her neck, I worried all night that I'd really hurt her (she's fine, naturally) and cried that night...

Where do I sign up?

Oh, my...let me tell you, I don't watch much tv when hubby is gone on the road. Monday I became depressed...I thought gas prices...like that is something to cause depression, it got worse and worse until thursday when I finally was brave enough to turn on the tv and I cried like a baby. I pray for those people when ever it crosses my mind, when I am cursing the gas price, I stop and Thank God, I have a car to fill.

I had this same reaction on 9-11, but that day I watched it live as it happened the second time. It was like a dark cloud over me for a long time.

Now, All that being said, you can't tell me that our children who are more sensitive than we, do not understand the violence they see on TV! Just a little thought.
I don't have the gift that Bonnie and some others have on this forum, and this week that is a blessing. I don't envy you; I imagine that 'input' (is that the right word?) is overwhelming.

Hubby and I have both been feeling helpless and heartbroken. He's been asking me several times every day if the Bradford's minis have been rescued yet. He woke up yesterday saying that he was exhausted, he'd been having dreams all night about wading through water and rescuing people. I've been afraid to let my animals out of my sight, and have spent so much time hugging and kissing on them, and just thanking God that I live in Idaho, where the worst mother nature seems to give us is drought (knocking wood).

I hope all of you with the gift find some comfort and peace. I do believe that for every sad and dark moment, we are given moments of great joy. Though life may feel desperate right now, I know happiness will come again for you all.

I hope this validates what I told you privately. Many of what others posted, I too have experienced. And "Neva'" even wrote practically the same things I said before.......

No, you are NOT ALONE. There are more of "us" ie, EMPATHS, than we all knew on this Forum!

Perhaps we should band together in "prayer" for those in the Gulf Coast, and then get ourselves grounded and focus on active assistance in helping.

Let me know if anyone wants to participate in a time and day for prayer (and meditation) .......I think it's needed big time.

Blessings to everyone,

Down here in florida I bet a LOT of us are feeling sick and yet thankful all at the same time. Last year it was us standing in lines for ice and water and 2 weeks with no electric, no running water and no generator, u get the picture. And Ill tell u we were really miserable. And that was NOTHING compared to these poor people who lost everything including their lives. I have had multiple nights of bad dreams being trapped in flood water with little mini horse bodies floating by. Shudder!!!! I am just so glad they are finally making some progress rescueing and evacuating people and critters out..
Been a total beech, and I don't mean the tree
for a week. Daisy and Chloe have been the same way so either I'm picking up on their moods or they are picking up mine. Must be some weird planetary alignment--something's got to be in retrograde. That's what always makes me especially crabby. Any astrologers out there?

ETA: Just looked at my daily horoscope I get via email. Remarkably on target today...

There are likely to be difficult power struggles brewing beneath the surface that become evident in your interactions with others, Shirley. Your first reaction may be to get upset and become even more rigid in regard to your viewpoint. However, it is important that you take a more laid-back attitude. Accept that other people have a different perspective on the situation than you do, and work with this viewpoint instead of against it. If others continue to be obstinate and unreasonable, feel free to simply walk away.
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