Having surgery to remove Lola...she is not my friend!

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Peggy, you are so right! This is the only way -- keeping a positive attitude AND your sense of humor is the only way!

I think all of us at LB need to throw a cyber send-off party for Lola on the day of your surgery... Regardless, you will have many thinking of you and adding our postive thoughts and prayers.

I so agree with the others -- you are truly an inspiration!
Wishing you much luck and so long Lola...
Whatever Lola wants ...Lola does not get!!....... I will be keeping you in my good thoughts and prayers. Goodluck to you before, during and after.
ADIOS LOLA!!! Love your attitude! It will take you a long way.......

Prayers and good thoughts are with you.
Everytime I come on here ya'll make me laugh!!

Doc said I would have a lazy s stitch from just above the right ear to the left....or was it the left to the right?*(* Anywho....he said a little hair would be gone but not many folks would even notice. He said I would be in a halo ( I have to get a picture of this. I will be in practice for my later life!) I am expecting to be home by Thursday. I will have a plate in my head and I am wondering if it will set off a metal detector! That would be fun!! The will be using bovine pericardium to fill the void in the bone. (He thinks it is in the bone, now. Why can't they use Equine pericardium??

Gonna wash that girl right outta my hair:)
My prayers are there for you as well as thanking God for supplying your healing and needs. There are lots of wondeful folks on the forum that genuinely care and will certainly be offering prayers and support. We're just a click away. Please keep us posted.

God bless,

Oh my goodness I had no idea. Well, I'll be praying for you. The surgery will go quickly and you'll be back and showing horses in no time!
Sending prayers your way and it'll be great to say buh-bye to Lola.
Sorry to hear about the surgery.

But I know everything's going to go okay.

See you in Glen Rose

Vickie & Company
Why are they waiting so long to get rid of her? Is that normal to wait 3 weeks? Just curious.

I'm still sending prayers here in Michigan


Some people can go for a lot of years without having a tumor removed. If it is not causing any complications, they say it is better to live with it. When I had the exam by my neurosurgeon in Dec., he said since it was not causing any visual or motor skill problems, it would be considered an elective surgery. Sounds crazy, huh? Got something in my head that don't belong there and it is elective to have it removed! :DOH! The other factor in this equation is that I have no insurance. BAM.....lots of money. I have tried to get along with Lola, but she seems to like causing my head to feel as if I have a constant brain freeze going on. The pain has only increased and the pain pills only smooth it out a little. God has been blessing me through people that I know and some that I don't. An account was started for me and the money keeps growing. I believe that He is taking care of this for me. So to answer your question in the only way I know how without sounding like I am nutz is to say, God has the timing down. I am learning to lean more on Him for things to be where they need to be.

Thanks for all the continued prayers.
ohmygosh girl, your sense of humor about this lola witch is just too much! keep it up, it will go a very long way in your healing. you will absolutely be in my thoughts and prayers for a smooth surgery and an uneventful recovery. kick her sorry butt!!!!
Well Lola certainly sounds like an unwelcome, uninvited guest who's hung around too darned long....you know, kinda like those door to door salesmen who just won't take a hint and won't take no for an answer. If somebody throws a farewell party for Lola I sure hope I'm invited. Seriously though...sending best wishes for all good things before, during and after Lola's departure.
You are one strong person to be so "upbeat" about this. Good for you!! I wish you all the best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Roxy's Run Miniatures
Bye Bye Lola and good riddance! Bless you for keeping your sense of humour, that will get you through this in a very short time. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. God Bless

Wishing you a successful surgery and a swift recovery. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I admire your sense of humor as you face this situation. It will serve you well.

Hasta la vista, Lola!!
Oh my goodness, what a great inspiration you are to the rest of us.......honestly, thank you for sharing.

I love the fact that you named your tumor, Lola.......it's great to have a sense of humor and laughter is the

best medicine.

Heres hoping and praying you get your surgery over & done with fast and Lola shall be no more............

kinda sounds like "no more, no lola"....no more no less.....

Sorry, sad attempt at my pitiful humor.

Please know my thoughts are with you during this time and I wish you a speedy recovery!!

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