Hats and showing????

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Hudson, Fl
Hi, I'm new to the mini showing. I've noticed that not everone wears hats in halter, but it looks like they wear them in driving. I know at some shows it required, could someone tell me the requirements. Thanks alot, Kathy
[SIZE=14pt]Hats are not required in halter or even driving anymore. I only wear a hat for showmanship. Hats are now optional in driving and in country pleasure I think some are attractive but single pleasure not necessary or even that attractive. At nationals there were very few people in pleasure with hats on. Most had their hair up but no hats.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]Lyn, what about in CP at the Nationals? Did many do that class w/ no hats there? At the DE and other shows that you go to and I will be at next year, for CP, do you think no hat is just as good as with a hat? Not sure if I will be doing driving or not, but if I do it would be w/ Sunny and he's CP.[/SIZE]
i am totally not a hat person so avoid wearing them at all costs.

I did see some well wow SOME HATS at Nationals some of them well raven said it best when she said wow that is QUITE A HAT
with feathers and colors and all kinds of stuff
[SIZE=14pt]Pattie Cloke is one of the winningest drivers at nationals and she never wears a hat either CP or otherwise. You see some hats but not all that many. At delaware no hat is fine even at nationals no hats win there too.[/SIZE]

I love hats for driving, but it does seem that we are seeing less of them now. A nice hat is great in driving, hats are required in showmanship - but I never see hats in halter except on the guys.

Since it sounds as if hat or no hat is equally okay, so I would do what suits you best and what you are most comfortable in. If you look great in hats (I look pathetic--and they tend to not stay on my head...), and you like wearing them, they can be an asset, but I hate seeing anyone feel forced to do something that makes them look and feel goofy. If it's an asset for you, do it; if not, don't.
You know the mushrooms in Fantasia??? That's me in a hat, any hat, and I have some seriously expensive ones (courtesy of the charity shops) Unfortunately they are mandatory here, so I have no choice. You would have thought that, by now, out of self defence if nothing else the Judges would have got it changed
rabbitsfizz said:
You know the mushrooms in Fantasia??? That's me in a hat, any hat, and I have some seriously expensive ones (courtesy of the charity shops)  Unfortunately they are mandatory here, so I have no choice.  You would have thought that, by now, out of self defence if nothing else the Judges would have got it changed


MY Gosh, Fantasia? I LOVED that movie, a real classic. For all you really young ones, go rent it!

Mushroom? Well I'm trying to decide what type I'd be. can't find a bottom heavy one, but I'm sure there's one..

I hate hats, but like western hats if horse is shown in Western halter..love seeing the kids at the local fairs in 4-H showmanship.

A hat(or helmet) is required for ADS events--traditional. I LOVE my hat. I am not really a hat person, and I certainly wouldn't have picked a burgandy hat with navy trimmings....but once I got it....I LOVED it.

I've only worn it at two shows, so I don't have too many good shots of it. This is a side shot, I'm driving the tandem to a Meadowbrook carriage. I also 'pick up' the burgandy with some red trim on the navy apron.


This is my 'old' hat. I still really like it too....probably will use it for the marathon carriage, because that is a more informal turnout.


I never wear a hat unless its roadster and that matches the silks and everyone

else in the class has to wear one too! My horses win in country and pleasure

quite frequently and a hat is not an issue! Linda B
I'll qualify this whole post by admitting that I've only shown in open all-breed shows on the western side of the continental divide (cow horse country).

When I was learning the ins-and-outs of halter showing, my friend/teacher (she shows paint horses at the world level), said that you MUST wear a hat, or it shows disrespect to the judge.
So I bought the standard black felt western hat and wore my hair up in a tight little bun w/ a hairnet even.

I take it that that feeling isn't prevalent in the Mini/Shetland world? The last thing I'd want to do is insult a judge.
[SIZE=14pt]No one but the occassional man EVER wears a hat in halter. Most as Fred said dont even while driving. I look like a pin head in a hat because I am plus sized so I only wear a hat for showmanship. I know several judges personally and I guarantee they feel no disrespect by missing hats. Even the way the minis and shetlands are shown is totally different than stock type horses..... lots more handler dancing and hoopla! Am I right halter people

When I showed Mingus in halter at our exceedingly Western county fair, I was the only one to be seen without a hat...I figured I had blown it, but we got 2nd and 3rd, so I guess nobody was too terribly offended. The apprentice judge also saw Mingus take a two-footed kick at a big horse and thought it was funny, so who knows?
I'm the rare woman who wears a hat showing halter. Okay, so I should qualify that statement, the hat is rarely on my head in the ring.
I always wear a baseball cap at home in the barn. When I'm training that baseball hat becomes a training aid and my ponies have learned to give ears and stretch neck for a hat. I wear a hat into the ring because a hat is what my ponies are used to. Here's a link to a photo on my website that shows me using my hat to pose my Top 10 Classic 2 Year Old Futurity Mare this year at Congress - http://www.geocities.com/platteridgefarm/SilkCong05Sm.JPG
Okie doke... Well this bring another question to mind. So I don't HAVE to wear a hat. I have what you could call big cowgirl hair. 'The smaller the town, the bigger the hair.' So what do all of you with lots of hair do with it in the ring, particularly in halter? Just pull it back? Do you have to put it all the way up? I see that MiniHGal has a pony tail or braid in driving (not sure mine would look quite so neat); would that be OK for halter too?

I agree, Rabbitsfizz... lovely pony Lewella!
[SIZE=14pt]Pony tails are ok. As long as your hair is off your neck away from your number. My daughter does a french braid then tucks the end under and pins it. I gave up this year and just cut mine off![/SIZE]

The pony would be Oneka's French Silk sired by Royal Red Viking and out of Bold Print Dreamer (a Ramble Ridge Rocket granddaughter).

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