Well-Known Member
Just a quick note, I had a wonderful time tonight. I went out to get poor Kody out of his pasture and lunged for once, and my Arab Spyder was up at the fence immediately nickering and neighing and calling for me with his eyes all lit up and hopeful. (This is the horse who took five years to make a sound at something other than food.) My heart melted and of course I got him out first. I ended up grooming him for the first time in a long time and went "Wow!" He always looks SOOO different after he's been groomed, it makes no sense to me. But there he was in his annual few weeks of true shiny short summer coat he gets each July now, and gaining some weight and just generally fit as a fiddle and raring to go and it made me so happy.
We took him and Mom's 30 year old out on the road on a lead and went for a walk as they were too hyped to just graze peacefully.
I took Mom's old man from her and we went for a run since he was dragging her down the street. Then I looked at Spyder, grazing so nicely and TROTTING around and bright-eyed and not limping...and I made Mom give me a boost up. Yes, it was probably suicidal with no helmet and a lively horse on a concrete road, bareback and only a halter. But I've had this horse for 13 years and know every way he can spook, I haven't used a saddle in about five years now and he listens to a halter just as well as a bridle. Mostly, he listens to ME. It helps that he wants me up there these days and I actually feel safer where he can't run me over spooking! LOL. So dumb or not, I did it. Some moments just have to be lived.
And my old man, my partner, my friend, lifted his head and walked out up the hill towards home and asked me. And I said yes. And for the first time in several years, he lifted into that effortless canter of his and flew up the grassy verge of our street, tail and head high and me laughing all the way. I felt like throwing my arms out to the side and yelling for joy. That's my BOY!! I feel like a centaur when I'm on him we move together so well. And it's been so long since I've felt like that. I quit riding him when he not only stopped asking to run or prance for me but couldn't even be coaxed into a trot because it hurt too much.
It made both him and I too sad so I avoided the situation where I would miss it. But today, he wanted it. He's got a permanent bow in his left front, ringbone in both front feet and arthritis in both hind, and his hamstring on the left haunch is damaged in some way that makes his rump hollow there and him feel very funny to ride up a hill at a walk. Muscles twang in all sorts of odd places. But canter him and for a moment it was years ago.
So tonight the seat of my pants is brown, my horse is happy, and I am glorying in having both a new relationship to explore and grow in with the young horse and an old and deep partnership to relax into and cherish with the old horse. My world is complete.
P.S.- For an actual update, Spyder has not choked again since that most recent incident. He is now getting a very small flake of hay three times a day, completely soaked and hand-crushed by me, a can of Senior SOUP fed twice a day and 1 cup of soaked beet pulp pellets with his Senior at night. We're probably going to up the beet pulp but I want to see how he does on this amount first. Both he and the other old horse seem to love the stuff and both seem to be putting on weight and pooping more even though they've only been on it a week and a half so far. But I swear Spyder's ribs are getting some padding finally!
I'll let ya' all know how it turns out. Pictures soon now that he's cleaned up and gorgeous.
Oh, and I finally found a veterinary equine dentist who will be coming out August 3rd to do a complete workup on Spyder. So cross your fingers all continues to go well!

We took him and Mom's 30 year old out on the road on a lead and went for a walk as they were too hyped to just graze peacefully.

And my old man, my partner, my friend, lifted his head and walked out up the hill towards home and asked me. And I said yes. And for the first time in several years, he lifted into that effortless canter of his and flew up the grassy verge of our street, tail and head high and me laughing all the way. I felt like throwing my arms out to the side and yelling for joy. That's my BOY!! I feel like a centaur when I'm on him we move together so well. And it's been so long since I've felt like that. I quit riding him when he not only stopped asking to run or prance for me but couldn't even be coaxed into a trot because it hurt too much.

So tonight the seat of my pants is brown, my horse is happy, and I am glorying in having both a new relationship to explore and grow in with the young horse and an old and deep partnership to relax into and cherish with the old horse. My world is complete.

P.S.- For an actual update, Spyder has not choked again since that most recent incident. He is now getting a very small flake of hay three times a day, completely soaked and hand-crushed by me, a can of Senior SOUP fed twice a day and 1 cup of soaked beet pulp pellets with his Senior at night. We're probably going to up the beet pulp but I want to see how he does on this amount first. Both he and the other old horse seem to love the stuff and both seem to be putting on weight and pooping more even though they've only been on it a week and a half so far. But I swear Spyder's ribs are getting some padding finally!