Grooming a horse that has been sold,

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
Do you do? You want the horse to look its best when it gets to it's new home. You do explain what you will and won't do, due to weather and hope they understand.

You could say it depends on where the horse will be shipped, but, it still has to travel through your crappy weather and maybe that of another state or two.

What things do you do to make the horse looks its best? What products do you use and is there a better brush/comb for muckier, longer hair. Do you clip any part of the horse?

Too, the same question goes for trying to get good photos of a horse during the same time of year.

If you are the buyer, how do you expect that horse to arrive?

Here in Indiana, we are almost past bath season.

Thanks for your thoughts.
A good rubber curry and a fairly stiff brush, if your horse doesn't mind. Most love a good brushing, but I have a horse in our handicapped riding program that hates any kind of a stiff brush.

If I were buying now (I'm in Michigan) I certainly wouldn't want a clipped horse! If they've already bought, they know what they're getting.
I wouldn't bathe a horse this time of the year either but I would give them a good brushing and send them home with all their paper work, shot record, and any pertinent information, pictures of sire and dam if I have them, pedigree and a new halter and lead line.
I sold two horses about this time of year last year and I only brushed them off really good and then took the dryer to them to kind of get most the dust off. Used some Miracle Groom on the dirt spots that needed it and then braided their tails so they wouldn't get nasty in transit along with their forlocks. Cleaned their faces and eyes out with a wash cloth, and gave them a new trim on their hoofs. Just a neat and tidy appearance. I would not trim this close to winter.
I just purchased a horse and I definately don't want him clipped. It is too close to winter here. If I was sending one out I'd clip bridle path, whiskers, under the chin, and fetlock hairs. Trim the feet, give a good brushing, braid the hair up, and of course send all the paperwork.
I bought 2 horses last year in October. Definately did not want them clipped! I know what I bought and what's under that hair! Just give them a good brushing and I'm sure the new owners will be fine with that.
I would clip the horse's bridle path, ears, face, whiskars, under the face and skulpt around the jaw line. I would take the clippers and clip the legs with the clippers running down the leg instead of up. Then do it up nice and clean around the fetlock, pasterns etc. I would brush the horse up best as I could.

I would use show sheen or something like that in the mane and tail. I'd trim all the stray ends of the mane and make it very neat. Knowing me, I'd be adding a ribbon in there someplace and a scrunchie.

I would most definately be sending the horse off with a new halter and lead rope and possibly a sheet if warranted, and all appropriate paperwork. If the horse was due for a hoof trim, I'd have that done too.

With the exception of Merry Beth and Ebbie, all my other horses that I bought out of state arrived here looking like stinking filthy dirty unbelivable crap.
I too have a horse leaving in a couple of weeks. I'm going to be sure that he is groomed well, I use a wire dog brush. My horses love it once they have their winter coats and I find that it gets right down to the skin, which regular horse brushes don't do. I don't think I'll braid his tail, because I know he will be on the road a long time and I would be so sad for my customer if he got there and had rubbed out all his tail!!
I will have his feet freshly trimmed and his bridle path as well. I give a nice halter and this time I'm including a blanket as well. Of course I always send a big baggy of the feed I've been feeding as well. I usually mail the paperwork. Less for the shipper to loose...
Bad experience!!

Of course I don't mail the health, coggins and brand inspection!! That does go with the shipper...
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I always ask if they would like them clipped up. In summer I will do a full body clip but as we get into September here only a head and neck clip. Once October hits it can get really cold and it is not wise to clip. We are already seeing temperatures in the 20s at night, mainly 30s and frost on the ground. We have seen snow in early October with temperatures in the teens before.
My babies all have heavy winter coats already. The mares and stallions are coming in slower but coming faster these last two weeks. I will definitely groom them well before they go but tend to leave their mane, tails and forelock w/o braids as, even though we have those cold nights, the days are still warm and with lots of flies buzzing around. They are also sent on the trailer with a new halter and lead, copies of their papers, Coggins and health and a big container filled with their grain and a scoop. I mail the original registration papers with necessary transfer forms and a health history showing when all of their vaccinations, dewormings, farrier trims and any veterinary work were done after the horse leaves.
We bathe, brush out and send a horse with a new halter/lead rope.

At this time of the year, they'd get brushed only, with their bridle path done, possibly head/neck if requested by the buyer.

I do like the idea of braiding tails for the ride, and vacuuming as we did purchase a vacuum just for that but haven't used it yet! Good tips!
I'm taking a mare I sold to the AMHA World show for delivery. I'm bathing her today and clipping her bridle path, under her jaws and around her lower legs.
I would clean and brush them. I would also vacumn if they will allow it to get the deep down dirt. I would clip a minimal bridal path as some don't like longer ones and that will give them the option of making it to their liking. I would also clean out any **** from eyes and nose if necessary. Never thought about braiding tail, but think that is a good idea as well. Will put a new halter on--when possible. I would rather have a clean halter in good shape that fits well if I don't have a new one to fit exactly. I try to have a halter with some growing room for the younger ones so the new owner has some time to find a bigger one if necessary.
It really depends on the time of year/weather for me being in NY. I always curry and brush and have feet trimmed, shots/worming done, a nice new halter, bridle path clean and usually the face whiskers clipped. I rarely will body clip anyone just to ship as I do an awful job. (don't I Ginny?
We just sold 2 foals that will be going to NY in another month. we will do bridle paths and clean them up but are not going to clip them. We are starting to get some chilly nights in Wisconsin and do not want to body clip at this point in time. IF the person requested it they would have to go with sheets or blankets but I would discourage it. jennifer

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