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Nov 30, 2002
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Cant get in trouble for this one so here goes... the past thread about who made good on their gelding promise made me think. Here are three of the colts that have been gelded at my house some early like Lucky at 8 weeks and some late like GQ at 2..... What are your plans for them now?

Misty Acres Ima GQ is a 3 year old 34.5 inch gelding who is the smartest horse I have ever come across. He is learning obstacles so fast and the showmanship turns in one lesson. He is the one that I posted showed roadster in the futurity after having only 45 minutes in the cart! He will be shown in AMMY and PMC next year in halter, where he has almost finished his HOF, showmanship and country pleasure.


DCF How Sweet it Is was gelded at 7 months, He is in the AMHR futurity and is coming 2. Plans depend on how he looks in spring, he is slightly immature compared to others his age showing but he is learning halter and starting obstacles and will probably go color although not my favorite class. HE is measuring right at 32 now.


and finally the baby gelding at my house L&Ks Fancy's Lucky Charmer. Weaner this year ....will be a B like his grandma but will trot his heart out. Will be shown halter next year , is in the futurity and will be looking at probably pleasure driving as a 3 year old.



Loving my geldings and looking forward to enjoying them or training them for other youth and handicapped folks!

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I really love geldings. Here are my mini geldings:

Triple H Derby Day Miracle, who as most of you know, is my former show stallion (gelding as of this past March). My plans for Derby are to maybe show him some more but mostly enjoy him as the wonderful giving horse he is and drive him for fun (like trail driving):


Tibbs Sundowner, who is an A Division 3x National Champion / 6x Reserve National Champion (halter) / Halter Hall of Fame w/ almost 200 points. My plans for Sunny are to teach him to drive (CP) this fall and show him next season in showmanship, halter, model and color. Not sure if I'll show drive him (not sure I want to hang out all day at the shows):


"Pal" who is pending a registered name. Pal is a son of BTU! I bought him from Erica Killion just this week. Erica got him from Little King Farm. Next year, I will be showing "Pal" as a 2yo B Division Gelding in halter, model and color, and possibly in showmanship. When he's old enough, he will drive:


Appy Hollow Jack of Diamonds, a yearling leopard appy. I plan to keep growing him up and later have him as a driving horse (CP). I know he'd show great in color and he's put together well, but not sure I'll hit the ring with him before he's old enough to drive:


Lonely No Longer, my former B division show stallion. My plans for this boy are up in the air right now. I love him and am not exactly sure what I will be doing with Lonesome:


Whinny for Me's Skippin Miracle, 2yo son of Derby. I plan to teach Skipper to drive. Not sure on showing him but am sure he's with me for the long haul. He's an amazingly smart and personable horse. I adore Skipper and as the first anything of my breeding, I am real proud of him, too.


Whinny For Me's AA Eclipse, my first mini. Just continue to enjoy him as a pet and a wonderful driving horse:

This is JMS Redskin Warrior, 2yr old gelding, currently 32.50"

He currently is winning in halter obstacle and next year he will be in jumping, driving, and obstacle driving.


This is KHA Krackerjack Of Hickory Hills, 3yr old gelding, 32.50"

He will be showing again next year in jumping and driving!

We personally geld from 3 to 6+ colts each year in November as well as sell several on gelding contracts. Here is one of our special geldings - Buckeye WCF Classical Lightening whom we will continue to show in halter and performance in 2006. It takes a great colt to make a great gelding


What nice boys!!!!!

This is Blue, he is a yearling and this year showed as a Stallion, placing very well, many Jr. Grands.

Next year he will be shown as a Gelding and hope he will continue his winning ways. If not, that's ok as well.

For 2006 he will just continue in halter, due to age. But his over all purpose, will be performance, boy can this little guy pick them up and put them down and will show off for any animal, or person who he thinks is looking at him!!!!!


These are my two geldings, Peanut and Dealer.

Both compete in everything except for driving, but they will be driving next year.

Dealer and me at nationals, isnt he cute?


and then Peanut was my little rescue horse, and he is such a good show horse. Mainly in showmanship, but still. He will be one awesome driving horse!


Here is our newest and only gelding this year.

He is going to be trained this winter to ride and cart...looking forward to spring.

Our grand-daughter is going to be his rider when she outgrows her mini...

He is right at 34" without hoof trims, and very athletic..

Mini Bits Encore`s Little Storm

We love our geldings! They are such sweet, easy-going guys who get along with everyone, and so willing to do whatever you ask.

This is Derby, 2002 HOF in Halter, halfway to his HOF in country pleasure, and next year showing in jumping and obstacle.


And Loess Hills Silvermoon Image, 2 year old blue roan pinto gelding being trained in pleasure driving.

As most of you probably know, we have a lot of geldings, between 25 and 30 at any given time, and not many of those we'd be willing to sell!

I usually post pictures of our show horses on threads like this, mostly because I have good pictures of them, but at the start of the month we did a photo shoot of the current members of my Grandad's eight horse hitch. They are all black geldings, AMHA registered, and range from 32.5" to 34" in height.


Sheep Meadow Bunky

Born: 1988

Position: Left Lead


Sheep Meadow Gretz

Born: 1984

Position: Right Lead


I'm Too Slick For You

Born: 1998

Position: Left Point


PitRPats Paco

Born: 1997

Position: Right Point


Little L Acres Clunkers Pending

Born: 1999

Position: Left Swing


Sheep Meadow Nova

Born: 1990

Position: Right Swing


Mountain View Woos Willie

Born: 1997

Position: Left Wheel


Chinooks Knight Rider

Born: 1992

Position: Right Wheel

Yeah I know everyone is probably getting sick of seeing my gelding, but I do dearly love him and I now have a goal to get him driving ASAP!!! Here is my gelding, i'll post a normal photo of him instead of his proud yearling photo =) Sorry I don't have any of him standing square but I love his shiny coat!

Dusty Lane Rowdy Red Loco Motion


And please excuse the devil eyes!

I cannot wait to get this guy in front of a cart / sled!
Here is my gelding, Black Tie Affair. I had shown him in 2003 and 2004 in halter, driving, liberty, and occassionally jumping (if I could con the hubby into doing it
) as a stallion. We gelded him in December, and unfortunately weren't really able to show him this year. I'm hoping to show him again next year possibly in halter, and I'd love to try obstacle with him now that his attention span is better and he has a little more patience





Here is my now two-year old, next year three-year old gelding, Mouse.


He was shown as a stallion when he was a yearling and did very well. I've had lots of people wonder why I gelded him, but the bottom line is that I did not need another stallion and I wanted a great show horse to enjoy all the time.

Also, to me, he does have too many shortcomings to be a stallion....

He's brought home lots of Grand and Reserve Championships, blue ribbons for us this year in both AMHA and AMHR shows.

My plans for him are to show him more in halter, which I really love, as a Sr. Gelding, and we have been thinking of jumping w/him. I plan also to begin his driving training over these next few months. I am not sure if he'll be ready to enter the ring in that capacity next year, but we want to try.

I am hoping LoriG may be able to help us realize that dream...!

Here is a link to Mouse's page:

Raftered Hearts Silver Salute
The love of my life, Cody's Rain or Shine - AMHA 33 3/4" from the Just bloodlines.

He knows how to "high five", and brings such joy to my life...

Here's my two boys, both AMHR...

Double Wee's Nothern Buddy, he is 33", he does it all, halter, obstacle, jumping, showmanship, driving and even costume. He has a forever home with me, my 7 year old niece has been showing him this year and he is such a special boy. Kris(MyLilShowGirl) shows him too while she's waiting for her little man to grow up and do it all!!



My other boy, Stone Maples Mackenzies Joy he is 33.75" he has done fantastic in halter and driving this year, we should be able to finish HOF next year!! My niece and Kris have also shown him this year.


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Here is Fever, my yearling gelding. He was gelded soon after his first birthday. I plan on having him trained to drive in a few year, I can't wait
Here are my two geldings:

Mingus. He loves to show, and I plan to indulge him We're working to improve on this past year (although he did pretty well -- 3 reserve championships) and see what he can do with improved behavior and handling. We're starting ground training and jumping (although he doesn't see why he should jump when he can go around, LOL!)




And then there's my darling Thelonius. My plans for him are to kiss him constantly, hug him as often as he'll let me, and continue to let him know that his old bad life is past and from here on out he will experience only love and happiness. I'll be taking some new, albeit fuzzy, photos of him soon.


I am very excited about my "new" gelding... CNC's Tucks N Tails (pending) aka Tucker... I have BIG plans for this little guy!! He isn't gelded yet, but as soon as the weather cools down...


wells he not mine and i cant post pics but ill inform you.(hes in my avatar and his sire is in my personal pic)

his name is Rabbit Hutch Ranchs Charro ClassyKid

his sire is FWF Kewpies Charro Of Arenosa

his dam is Mopeds Speedin Ticket of RHR

my expectations: he already jumps, and obstacles along with voice commands. we have been to one show and compared with the horror stories ive heard form freinds about showing him he did pretty darn good. during the obstacle i held my breath the hole time
we got a first and a second. in the future i hope to drive him and own him. i will get pics soon (along with replacing my avatar)
We only have one mini gelding right now....Dapper Dan! 33.5", chestnut sabino, 4 yrs old.

His first show, Tap Dance Dressage Festival, Nov. 04


His 2nd show, Pleasure Days, May 05


His 3rd show, Mighty Minis CDE, Sept. 3-4, 05


You can kind of see the progression of his training in the photos(90% of the training is mine...I just let my mom drive him at events!). He came to us gelding, summer of 04, but he would have been gelded anyway.

Our plans...all round driving horse. He might go to a few A/R shows if I ever get the time...but that isn't important. He won first at the Mighty Minis in training level, so we are already very proud of him!! He will learn ANYTHING, very sweet and very smart(usually).

He also has driven both lead and wheel in tandem.


This was obviously a christmas drive...

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