Got Acorns?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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When I moved here 10 years ago I was warned not to let my horses eat the acorns that fell into the paddock from the oak trees in the fall. The trees were on the other side of the fence. I was told they were poison and horses died from eating them. Some local breeders confimed it so I didn't want to take any chances. Others don't bother and expose their horses to them.

The horses indeed were loving them so I began to rake them up daily but it was not working. As fast as I raked up one section, a hundred or more would fall in the next area. On any given day hundreds were in the paddock. I finally gave up and fenced the horses out of that area until winter had come and the acorns had gone into the ground.

The acorns are back--- seems by the millions now, and the minis are trying to grab a bite when they come out of their stalls on their way out as I shoo them into the fields. I had to ram my hand down Chrissy's mouth this morning to get them out of her mouth. That was fun as you can imagine.

Just wanted to tell you that they may make horses sick so if you have any acorns you may want to prevent having your horses eat them.
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I have had a horse, Eclipse, colic from accorns before we knew better. So far, we don't have any on the ground but when we do, will have to rake them up as best as we can. Our horse paddocks were woods until like 7 years ago when we had it cleared but left many trees for shade. From what I understand, young (immature) horses are more likely to have problems from eating acorns than more grown up horses. When Eclipse colicked from eating them, he was a yearling I believe. He's 6yo and fine today.
No acorns but man do we get hickory nuts! It's a gamble just walking to the paddock and barn this time of year!
We are having a bumper crop of acorns, hickory and giant size walnuts this year. I hope the saying about a lot of nuts means a hard winter, is NOT true! I am enjoying all this nice warm weather and don't even want to think about winter coming.
My pens are surrounded with Oak Trees..In fact when I had Arabians I even named the Farm ""S-H Five Oaks Arabians""~!!...I had heard and worried also But I just let the squirrels have there way with the acorns. I cannot and will not vacuum them up out of the pens..I have not had any trouble at all over the past 40 years of having horses in and around oak trees.
Bumper crop of acorns = hard winter? YES! Two years ago it rained acorns like I have never seen. That winter we had the ice storm from H**L. Lost ten trees! This year hardly seen any but what have fallen are big and fat....Have no clue as to what that means
Haven't seen any acorns yet, but lots of hickory nuts, and I just found out persimmons. Heard they were poison to minis too. Never having had persimmons before, I don't know. As a matter of fact, I've never even eaten a persimmon!
I just wanted to add, I talked to my vet about the acorns because we have a slew of them here and it worried me after reading about it here on the forum. He said that the dried brown acorns will only give them a stomach ache and they may go off their feed for a day, but the green ones that fall during a storm are worse and more likely to cause colic. Have not had any problems in the 8 years of owning mini's here, more problems with summertime and getting one or two of the horses to drink plenty of water. I just watch after a storm and pick up any limbs with the green ones still attached.
We have acorns, hickorys, persimmons I am sure there are more that I don't see, but in the 50 or so acres they are there. Never had any problems in the 11 yrs I have had the minis, or before that with big horses. Did have a mare two years ago and acted "semi colicky" more what I would call mild stomach, that just gave banamine to, it might have been acorns she ate, but no ill effects on her, gave her banamine, she went and foaled a beautiful filly two months later.
I also have TONS of acorns. I have also never had a problem with any colic in the 35 years I have had horses on my properties, Minis or Arabs.


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