Good Thoughts Please.......Karo Is Sick!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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My baby Karo is sick

She was acting kind of colicy, but not, last night. Very lethargic but had gut sounds and no temp. Called the vet, gave her Banamine and Electrolyte/Probiotic paste. He told me to keep an eye on her through the night. She was still nursing but not wanting hay or grain.

This morning her temp was 97
She couldn't stay awake when she was standing up, and she kept laying down and thrashing around.

Called the vet, he said bring them in. So I got Karo and Mom to the vet.

They did X-Rays of her belly, with a Digital X-Ray machine, very cool machine, they just got it and are still learning the tricks, but how cool is a Digital X-ray machine, we didn't have to wait for the X-Rays

X-Rays showed her belly was clear of sand and dirt. So they ultrasounded her to check her intestines for impactions or twists. Everything on ultrasound was totally normal.

Bloodwork showed she was dehydrated so they started an IV and added B12 and Calcium. That perked her up some but she was still really lethargic and crampy when I left them there. They are going to watch her and run more tests. She is still nursing so that's obviously a good thing.

So can everyone send some good thoughts Karo's way please

Edited to Add: Karo is 3 1/2 months old.
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How terrible for you! Those mystery ailments cause so much anxiety. You will have to keep us posted on what you find out. My thoughts are with you. How old of a baby are we talking about? Linda
Sending good thoughts your way. Hope your little Karo will be OK! It's so hard to see these little ones suffer, and especially when we don't know what is causing it.
So sorry your sweet baby is sick. Sending good and healing thoughts to your little Karo
I'm sendinmg hugs, prayers and healing thoughts to your baby Lindsay. I hope she feels better soon! Have they ruled out an ulcer?

Let us know how she's doing, ok?
Good thoughts and prayers for your baby in hopes that she feels better real soon.
Here's hoping she's feeling better and up and running around again soon!
I will add Karo to my prayers to. Hoping she will be fine and they find what ever is causing her troubles.

Prayers for you all

Prayers and good thoughts coming for you and your baby!!

Ginny StP
Hoping and a praying Karo will be back to normal in no time at all. So scarey to see a little one sick. Mary
Karo is home, though not quite out of the woods yet.

Her bloodwork came back to show an elevated white count, but because she still didn't have a fever at all, and because she was still having obvious stomach cramps, the vets decided she has some sort of stomach or abdominal infection.

No way to determine what caused it or exactly what it is, everything else has been ruled out.

She's on antibiotics, banamine, gastroguard, probiotics and electrolytes.

She is still nursing well, and now nibbling some hay, and at least now she is able to stay awake.

So hopefully all the medicine will do what it's supposed to do and Karo will be back to her sweet self soon.

Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts, keep them coming she still needs them.
Oh Lindsay, not Karo. I'm sending tons of prayers, positive energy and healing thoughts for her. Keep us updated.

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