OMG I totally agree with you!! She is GORGEOUS!! Let me know if you EVER sell her!!minimama said:Here is mine. Lucky Four Snowmans Irresitable. "Dolly" to us. She is one of the most beautiful mares I have ever seen and I about died when the lady I bought her from told me I could buy her. I had admired her for so long.
I saw that "glint"on a golden palomino pinto this weekend. It's absolutely gorgeous!!Tony said:Many years ago I showed palominos and in the color classes, it was judged outside and the coat was to have the glint of a newly minted gold coin. That is very difficult to find in miniatures, but I know that the first horse listed above has that glint and our palomino pinto, Little America's Rowdy Cowboy, has that glint, too. It is difficult to get a photograph of the "glint" that I am talking about, but when you see it, you will know it.