For those of you that are new to the Futurity program, please referr to your 2004 rulebook on pages 186,187, & 188 for the information on the Shetland Futurities and on pages 233 & 234 for the Miniature Futurities.
The office is handling both of these futuries this year instead of Dr. Tom Taylor who worked the Shetland Futurity and Mr. Dale Lutke who handled the Miniature Futurity. As stated in a prior post, Any Roberts, Journal editor has a really good article in the December 2004 Journal. This article is self explanatory about our Futurities and your nomination forms are right behind that article. The closing date to nominate your mares and stallions, and sustaining any foals are due by March 1st, 2005.
For any questions regarding this program please give the office a call. They will be happy to answer any additional questions that you may have that might not be addressed in the article or in your rulebook. If you don't have a rulebook then you can go on line to the website:
Karen Shaw
Fiddlestix Miniatures & Shetlands
The office is handling both of these futuries this year instead of Dr. Tom Taylor who worked the Shetland Futurity and Mr. Dale Lutke who handled the Miniature Futurity. As stated in a prior post, Any Roberts, Journal editor has a really good article in the December 2004 Journal. This article is self explanatory about our Futurities and your nomination forms are right behind that article. The closing date to nominate your mares and stallions, and sustaining any foals are due by March 1st, 2005.
For any questions regarding this program please give the office a call. They will be happy to answer any additional questions that you may have that might not be addressed in the article or in your rulebook. If you don't have a rulebook then you can go on line to the website:
Karen Shaw
Fiddlestix Miniatures & Shetlands