Well-Known Member
I haven't done anything with MayZ this I've put all my show money into sending Lacy to a trainer.
BUT.....there is a show coming up the end of the month close to me, where my trainer will be showing Lacy. (I am picking her up to bring her home then, too) I decided to take MayZ & show her, as the cost is soooooo low ($1.00 per class!)
and I'm going why not take her.
I started to body clip her today to see what she looks like clipped & how far in advance I need to clip her for this show. WOW....what a funky color I found under all that dark hair.
Here she is in her "natural" summer coat....Black/Bay Sabino/Frame Overo.
and here is her other side...clipped! I only clipped one side & then decided to take pictures to show the contrast Her head's not been touched yet either.
She almost looks like she has some dappling going on....but no silver here at all.
The Sabino gene causes lots of roaning...and I'm sure that is why the color difference when clipped. But the roaning hardly shows at all in her natural coat.
Hmmmmmmmmm......will see how she does against her sister Lacy in color class!
Here's a couple of head shots I took, while I'm at it.
BUT.....there is a show coming up the end of the month close to me, where my trainer will be showing Lacy. (I am picking her up to bring her home then, too) I decided to take MayZ & show her, as the cost is soooooo low ($1.00 per class!)

I started to body clip her today to see what she looks like clipped & how far in advance I need to clip her for this show. WOW....what a funky color I found under all that dark hair.

Here she is in her "natural" summer coat....Black/Bay Sabino/Frame Overo.

and here is her other side...clipped! I only clipped one side & then decided to take pictures to show the contrast Her head's not been touched yet either.

She almost looks like she has some dappling going on....but no silver here at all.
The Sabino gene causes lots of roaning...and I'm sure that is why the color difference when clipped. But the roaning hardly shows at all in her natural coat.
Hmmmmmmmmm......will see how she does against her sister Lacy in color class!

Here's a couple of head shots I took, while I'm at it.