freaking out over health insurance!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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K here it is and need your opinions... PLEASE

Hubby (on call 24-7) has been working for wrecker company for 14+ yrs. Has health insurance the whole time. He meets me, we get married they refuse to add me...No big deal cause I know it costs over $500+ to add me, anoyied but understand.

3 months ago, I become full time and now have health insurance. To add hubby would be approx $150 every 2 weeks. I cant aford it cause my checks are tiny to begin with. Pluse he already has some.

Well he at one point tells his boss (who mind you hates me) about me having insurance now. She then (3 months ago) wants to pay me (personal checks) to add/cover him onto mine and drop him from hers that way to save her some $$$. I say NO cause she never added me and refused it. So my look at this, Y do her a favor and save her $ when she wouldnt ever consider adding me.

Two weeks ago, hubby asks me that his boss asked again if I was interested in her paying me to have him on my insurance. I said no again.

Today hubby calls from work with bad news about his boss who is now dropping him from their insurance (no reason y) and that he's gonna need to be put on mine.

There is no reason Y they should be dropping him. Their not selling out, going under, nothing except being blackmailers on this. As a Michigan wrecker driver, and working a dangerouse job (plus their diesel macanic during the daytime) He has to have this because he can be badly hurt or killed on the job. OH PLUS that offer is now not available...

Is it illeagl for them to just drop him like this cause his boss hates me and wants to save $500+ per month, or can they do it?

I will talk to him tonight when he gets home BUT I personally think he needs to get a lawyer cause this is not right and believe its against the law. Blackmail comes to mind over this, and as his company and has offered him insurance all these yrs, they should'nt be able to drop him like this with absolutly no reason.

Funny how this came up all because I told her NO!

Please is there new laws against this or old ones as I have NO ideal...

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Contact an attorney! Find out what the laws are in your state.
Most states have an insurance commission to deal with issues relating to insurance.It should not cost you since it is for the public benefit.A lawyer will cost you but may be necessary if insurance commission can't help you.I would contact them(insurance commission) and meet with someone in their office.Sounds like they are doing something that is not exactly fair to an employee.Get a politician involved if necessary.sounds like you are getting the shaft from hubby's boss.l
You might want to contact the State Wage & Labor Division regarding their dropping benefits, esp if he is only one being dropped....are their other drivers? Does he have any employment contract? Did they give him any notice i.e. in 1, 2, 3 months it will drop -- or just "today"?

It may be less expensive for you to get a separate policy on him than add to your "group" one. Possibly the company for which the current is written will be willing to convert him to a personal plan....
An employer doesn't have to provide insurance in my state however must provide

Workman's Comp.
My (limited) understanding of the law in Michigan is that although insurance is not a requirement of employment (ObamaCare may change that, but that's another issue), an employer is not aloud to pick and choose whom they offer benefits to. Employees who have a similar employment status (ie;years of employment, full time, job title) must be offered similar benefits.

With that being said, do you think your Husband's relationship with his employer will improve if he sues them?? As he's been with them for 15 years, apparently he kind of likes his job. Is he willing to lose his job or have his hours decreased over this?

You had an opportunity to cut a deal with his Boss that would have been mutually beneficial financially and you chose not to because

Y do her a favor and save her $ when she wouldnt ever consider adding me.
. I think you allowed your hurt feelings to make an emotional decision for you when it would have been better for your pocket book to have made a financial decision void of feelings.
Dr. Taylor
Do you have a copy of the SPD ( Summary Plan Description) for your husband's health insurance plan? If not - request one. If this plan is provided under ERISA guidelines, then the eligibility requirements will be spelled out in the SPD ( who can be added, dropped and when these changes can occur - for example - during open enrollment). A good source of information can be found here:

In fact they may already be in violation for denying you the right to be added as a dependent to your husband's employer sponsored health plan.

If they are in violation of the terms outlined in their group health plan, then you have a legal course of action that you can pursue.
There is some picking and choosing on who will and will not have it anymore. Of course both hubby/wife will (who own the company) and a brother who works there as well as his wife and his best friend. So my hubby and the transmission rebuild guy, are the only 2 who are getting dropped to help save $$$. Out of all who is working there, my hubby has been there the longest. Everyones wife has insurance but I was always denied, even when I offered to pay for half of it.

I do believe this is a personal reason this is happening to him. My hubby once in a while slips up and tells me some of the nasty things she says about me. But I never have called her out on it when at the shop as Im more of an adult then her about it. But pretty much she believes am a moch and dont help with anything and the only reason Im with him so me and my horses have a place to live. (little dose she know!!!)

But whatever, It just sucks that I may have to see about dropping me from my own insurance to add him now.

And yes Dr Taylor, feelings have kept me from taking her up on that offer as I know without a doubt that all it is, is a scam from her to get me to do it and then never pay. Because she leagaly dosnt have to. All so they can save more $$$ for more trips to where ever and to talk more crap about me behind my back. So to me this case is a " I scratch your back and she stabs mine." And Im not interested!

We'll see how it goes, I know he is talking today more about it...
That really stinks but, if he is ever injured on the job, workers compensation would be the payer of any services, not your health insurance.

In this case, the healthcare modernization act would have been of benefit to you.

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