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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Ok, this is not about a mini and, you know I love my little Guys...but, this is about driving.
So, I thought I would share with those who love a good driving horse big or small.

I LOVE driving...thats my passion...I am so hooked "no pun intended" HA!! So, a friend and I are going into partnership and, buying a Renai. A Renai is a young breed of horse that crosses the Dutch Harness Horse to Saddlebreds, Arabians, Hackneys, National Show horses, Morgans.

These crosses are producing Elegant High Trotting Horses...that are so athletic...they can be ridden and driven and, do both extremely well.

Renai comes from "Renaissance" meaning "rebirth" or "revival"


My Friend and I visited many farms in Kentucky that are importing the Dutch Harness Horse to cross to there Champion Saddlebred mares and Arabians...this cross is breathtaking...they are gentle big giants...but have the fire and heart to go out and, do it. To me its the Best of all the breeds in one.

But, this is what I am LOVING the big shoeing or padding is allowed...this is all NATURAL BIG movement.

The judging works like a scoring or evaluations and each exhibitor is given it at the end of the show. After each place is called out...the Judge with mircophone tells the audience why he placed each horse and, what he liked or didn't like. WOW...and, wonderful way to learn.

we are going to the Renai World Cup this weekend in Kentucky and to the Auction on, perhaps we will get lucky and find our show prospect.

Thanks for letting this crazy about driving woman share

Beautiful horse!

Where is the competition and sale being held --- any website -- link? address?

You said Kentucky -- but where and when?

Might like to stop by and see them myself --- can't buy -- but would love to look.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh Lisa, I think that horse is over height!!!!!!! lol

We all need to do what makes us happy! Go for it!!!!!!!
Lisa, I think that will be some big excitement! I hope you get a great one, at a decent price. I too have horses big and small, I still love my bigs!!!

Let us know how it goes at the auction!
Good luck at the auction! Bring back a good one!

While a really high stepping horse isn't my cup of tea, one that has good motion and really covers the ground is.....drool worthy!! The Hackney horses and the Gelderlanders especially can do least the few I get to watch competing in CDEs!

no big shoeing or padding is allowed...this is all NATURAL BIG movement.
Good for them!
Looks to be a natural tail set too, is it or am I just being over hopeful??
Thanks for the good luck...I am really hoping we find something AWESOME.

Bluejacket...its in Harrodsburg, KY...the Show starts today through Sunday. The sale preview starts at 10:00 am and the sale starts at 1:30...I hope I can contain myself
I am really excited.

Carolyn, you are too funny
yup, I think we would REALLY be over in height...
These horses are HUGE...they need their own zip code

MiniHgal...these horses are not only Big fancy trotting machines...they are athlete's...boy can they COVER ground...and, what I admire is the system of evaluation.

they want to see balance, symmetry, long muscle lines, excellent carriage, vertical neck with a well flexed poll. Excellent front leg motion...over level if over two years old--again I LOVE this...they are not pushing the babies...hind legs reaching well under themselves with extreme power and good flexing joints. they want to see suspention, ease, fluidness, AND...all this with EXCELLENT conformation with no conformation flaws...they want to see a horse that presents williness, vitaliy, and a lot of expression with a quality of refinement.

Every horse...whether is a performance horse...halter horse etc...they must meet this...and, then are graded...these also go on pedigrees of these, one knows...and, also...Stallions and mares have to be approved...for quality...Again this is 100% natural...its bred in them...I love this!!!

Rabbitfizz...YUP...your right about the tails huh??

A friend of mine knows somebody who is crossing his Dutch Harness stallion on standardbred mares and selling the foals to the Amish for fancy buggy horses.
I have been giving this some thought- whilst I am all for the responsible breeding of horses and this one looks like a lot of fun to do- sort of like a Sport Horse but specifically for harness- that horse looks exactly like any Hackney Horse you would get over here!! Whilst starting your own breed is great, it might be worthwhile finding out if iy already exists, first!!

The judging works like a scoring or evaluations and each exhibitor is given it at the end of the show. After each place is called out...the Judge with mircophone tells the audience why he placed each horse and, what he liked or didn't like. WOW...and, wonderful way to learn.
This is why I enjoyed showing my dogs at the International shows.
The judges have to tell you why. I have to say that a judge on the second of a three day show, didn't like my dog but then she didn't like him.
Everything he critisized her for, the judge from the first and third day raved about her.
I suppose its hard to compliment a dog that is giving you the death stare.


The Renai can be a cross of the Hackney as well. The Registry has approved

stallions that have to go through a trial of sorts...they have to meet certain Standards...both in conformation, breeding shed, show ring. The Cross can be of a Hackney, Saddlebred, Standardbred, Arabian, Andalusians, Morgans and Sport Horses. Its a tough process for these Stallions...Only the best.

The Mares that are crossed as well go through the evalution as well...the whole process is called Keuring for the first star. They are looking for conformation, movement, carriage, beauty, elegance.

Its bringing the BEST out of these breds just like the Hackney pic you posted...and, crossing this with the Dutch Harness horse who just on his own has so very much to offer...we are talking about a horse with some substance and, with a hind end to do the work he is asked and, a big powerful moving horse with brains....a neat breed just on its own...but, the crosses compliment them

The Hackneys showed with with the Saddlebreds here...we sat and watched their National show a couple of weeks ago...They are a awesome breed...BUT...they have there very own set of rules...and, they use the heavy shoeing, pads, tails etc...while that works great for them. The Renai is not about that...natural, natural, natural.

Rabbitfizz, I guess to make a long story short
the breed does all the crosses and, on the other hand its is a whole new horse.

Tail docking and nicking and setting is illegal over here- apart from a checkrein I still consider too tight, but would make your Hackney's ones look loose, and a set of heavier than normal shoes for training, but not the ring, that horse is as it came out of the field!! The British Hackney has a lot more substance than it's US counterpart- I watched that part of the showing too- it was fascinating to watch- |I would never wish to be involved!! However it was the first chance I have had to actually watch a US show in action- very, very strange by our standards!!

WOW, I want one.. and close to 34" as possible.. hehhe

I have been around Morgans/Saddlebreds so the more action the better!

Thanks for sharing!

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