Well-Known Member
So....some working students got over excited with the scissors and now a few of my minis look AWFUL! I mean, I may have to roach their manes and start over because they're so bad. I actually cried as I stumbled upon the huge pile of hair on the grooming bay floor. They cut forelocks blunt straight across and WAY too short, so short that they stick straight up now making their heads appear bigger than they are and frumpy. They also trimmed the manes to a choppy uneven blunt end that just makes their necks look chunky and rough as it breaks the smooth shilloette of the natural falling taper. They also went waaay overboard on the bridle paths so they make the necks look even worse. They even trimmed the last hairs on the mane at the withers so now they have littke alfalfa sprouts!!! The worst is my buckskin mare, Lacey, her forelock was gorgeous as it was about an inch longer than her face and now its blunt across her eyes and it makes her look like a bug eyed fly! Poor thing! I personally cannot stand forelocks trimmed straight across, I think that it widens the face by drawing attention horizontally across the eye at first glance. I know some diciplines trim this way, but in my opinion, my horses look better with naturally tapered manes I thought I laid down the rules on haircuts with the kids, but obviously I need to go over it again. I don't want to hurt their feelings, because they're awesome with my horses and I truly value their work, but I have to make sure it doesn't happen again. Seriously, I'm too embarassed to post pics of them. I am wondering how long should it take for them to grow back? I just left it alone out of fear of making it worse (if thats even possible) by cutting any more off. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank goodness it is cold out now and they're in full winter fuzzies and we don't have any events coming up.