well the filly fairy blessed us today with our first ever mini foal! She is a bit over 3 weeks early, healthy and gorgeous! She came on her own sometime between 11:00 and 2:00 (apparently mare and foal had no problems). she had no real signs like bagging up. she's been a little softer in the hind end..but not enough to really get our attention. Vet said the placenta was perfect so nothing was retained. Moms being an excellent more (first foal) foal was up and walking and dried off before anyone noticed her. I wasn't around so i didn't get to see her untill tonight under the lights. I'm not really sure what color she is..i guess she's either Chestnut or a Red Dun. She had a pretty prominant red dorsal stripe under the lights. Her mother is a very very dark dun (dorsal and shoulder barring but looks like a dark bay). Her sire is a grey. She almost matched the color of the woodpellet sawdust... i'll have to wait till tomorrow to see her in daylight i guess!
Now the problem is.. We are stranded in Kentucky after our engine blew.. i was supposed to ship her home 2.5 weeks ago (figured that would be plenty of tiem before the foal was due) and have 3 other mini's here.. I only have a 4 horse mini trailer! LOL.. now how am i going to get five home?!?! lol. We are currently in the process of possibly buying a mini van anyhow..so maybe i can make a box stall for the mare and foal in there!
Now the problem is.. We are stranded in Kentucky after our engine blew.. i was supposed to ship her home 2.5 weeks ago (figured that would be plenty of tiem before the foal was due) and have 3 other mini's here.. I only have a 4 horse mini trailer! LOL.. now how am i going to get five home?!?! lol. We are currently in the process of possibly buying a mini van anyhow..so maybe i can make a box stall for the mare and foal in there!
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